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#OutsourcingServices #ContactCenter

A man in a suit with headset, working on a laptop

Boosting Contact Center Service Levels: Using Sales Innovation for Revenue Growth

In the realm of customer service, contact centers serve as the frontline hubs where businesses interact directly with customers. These interactions present invaluable opportunities not only to resolve issues and address inquiries but also to drive sales.

By infusing sales innovation into contact center operations, businesses can transform these interactions into revenue-generating engines while enhancing customer satisfaction.

In this blog post, we’ll dive deeper into actionable strategies explicitly tailored for contact centers, enabling them to elevate service interactions and drive revenue through sales innovation.

A close-up of a headset on a keyboard.

Understanding the Intersection of Contact Centers and Sales Innovation

Contact centers play a pivotal role in shaping customer experiences and perceptions of a brand. Traditionally viewed solely as service hubs, these centers are increasingly recognized as strategic assets for driving sales growth.

Sales innovation within contact centers involves the strategic integration of inventive approaches, technologies, and customer-centric strategies to enhance the selling process during service interactions. By leveraging the inherent customer engagement opportunities within contact center interactions, businesses can unlock new revenue streams while fostering long-term customer loyalty.

9 Key Strategies for Enhancing Contact Center Interactions and Driving Sales Innovation

1. Efficient Workforce management

  • Implement robust workforce management solutions to optimize agent scheduling, staffing levels, and resource allocation based on anticipated call volumes and sales peaks.
  • Utilize workforce optimization tools and services to monitor agent performance, identify training needs, and allocate resources effectively to maximize sales opportunities during peak periods.
  • Foster a supportive work environment that prioritizes employee well-being and engagement, recognizing the critical role of motivated and empowered agents in driving sales innovation within contact center interactions.

    2. Comprehensive Training and Empowerment:

    • Equip contact center agents with comprehensive product knowledge, sales training, and empowerment to make informed decisions during customer interactions.
    • Provide agents with the autonomy to offer personalized recommendations and upsell/cross-sell relevant products or services based on customer needs.
    A Man Wearing Headphones

    3. Seamless Integration of CRM and Sales Tools:

    • Implement Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems integrated with sales tools within contact center platforms to provide agents with real-time access to customer data, purchase history, and preferences.
    • Utilize predictive analytics to anticipate customer needs and tailor sales pitches accordingly, enhancing the effectiveness of service interactions.

    4. Personalized and Proactive Engagement:

    • Leverage customer data and insights to personalize interactions and anticipate customer needs, enabling agents to offer relevant solutions or products proactively.
    • Utilize automated outbound calling or messaging campaigns to reach out to customers with targeted promotions or offers, driving sales opportunities.

    5. Omnichannel Consistency and Accessibility:

    • Ensure seamless integration and consistency across all communication channels, including phone, email, chat, and social media, to provide customers with a unified experience.
    • Enable customers to transition effortlessly between channels during interactions, facilitating continuity and enhancing engagement.

    6. Rigorous Quality Assurance Processes:

    • Implement rigorous quality assurance processes to ensure consistency, compliance, and excellence in customer interactions across all channels.
    • Utilize call monitoring, speech analytics, and feedback mechanisms to evaluate agent performance, identify areas for improvement, and maintain service quality standards.
    • Continuously refine sales scripts, training materials, and standard operating procedures based on insights gleaned from quality assurance evaluations, fostering continuous improvement and innovation within contact center interactions.
    An office scene featuring four Customer Support Representatives with headsets working at their desks.

    7.  Adopt a Customer-Centric Mindset:

    • Understand customer pain points, preferences, and behaviors to tailor service interactions accordingly.
    • Personalize recommendations and solutions based on customer data and insights.
    • Anticipate needs and proactively offer relevant products or services during interactions.

    8. Performance Incentives and Recognition:

    • Implement performance-based incentives and recognition programs to motivate contact center agents to excel in sales-driven interactions.
    • Leverage gamification techniques to introduce competitive elements and foster a culture of continuous improvement and achievement.

    9. Leveraging Advanced Analytics and AI for Sales Innovation:

    • These technologies provide deep insights into customer behaviors and preferences, enabling personalized and efficient service delivery.
    • Advanced analytics can unveil patterns in customer interactions, guiding more effective sales and marketing strategies, while AI tools like chatbots enhance customer engagement and operational efficiency. 

    Case Studies: Real-World Examples of Sales Innovation in Contact Centers

    • American Express: Employs predictive analytics and CRM integration within its contact centers to anticipate customer needs and recommend tailored financial products and services, resulting in increased cross-selling opportunities.
    • TeleTech: Utilizes AI-powered chatbots integrated with CRM systems to provide personalized recommendations and assistance during customer interactions, driving upsell and cross-sell initiatives.
    • Delta Airlines: Implement proactive outreach campaigns via email and phone to offer customers targeted promotions and upgrades, resulting in enhanced revenue generation and customer loyalty.
    A smart-looking, attractive woman talking on a mobile phone.

    6 simple yet powerful strategies to improve customer retention

    Can you remember the last time you re-engaged with your customers and tried to win them back?

    These strategies will do exactly that and more.


    Contact centers represent a strategic nexus where service interactions converge with sales opportunities. By embracing sales innovation within contact center operations, businesses can unlock the full potential of these interactions to drive revenue growth while delivering exceptional customer experiences.

    Through comprehensive training, seamless integration of CRM and sales tools, personalized engagement, omnichannel consistency, and performance incentives, FrontLogix can evolve your contact center into a dynamic hub of sales excellence, driving sustainable business success in today’s competitive landscape.

    Get In Touch

    Customer support agent conversing using a headset

    Superior Customer Experiences: 7 Proven Strategies to Improve CX

    In this post, we’ll delve into why some companies still haven’t placed CX at the top of their priorities and provide seven (proven) strategies to improve CX.

    But first things first:

    What is Customer Experience (CX)

    Customer Experience (CX) = customer’s overall perception of a brand.

    CX is the sum of all of a customer’s experiences, acquired at each stage of their customer journey – beginning with the identification of a need and ending with choosing a service or product to meet it.

    The advancement of digital technologies has had a significant impact on customer expectations. Over the last decade, technology pioneers offering novel services and disruptive solutions have significantly raised the bar for customer expectations. Products are no longer the primary differentiator for today’s customers – the experience a brand provides is. The latest research shows that the perceived quality of the experience is the most critical factor in influencing whether a customer makes a purchase.

    As a result, businesses are no longer only competing against other businesses that offer products or services similar to theirs. They also compete with brands that provide exceptional customer experience.

    Today’s customers are no longer buying a product or service. They are buying an experience.

    Ensuring a positive experience with the business at every stage of the customer journey can drive long-term customer satisfaction, retention, brand loyalty, and advocacy.  

    And the payoff for great experiences is substantial. According to a PWC study, there is a direct relationship between customer experience and increased revenue. They discovered that customer satisfaction can be quantified, as 86% of buyers claimed they are willing to pay more for valuable experiences, with a price premium of up to 16% on items and services.

    Why CX is not a priority for some companies

    Given the significant benefits of improved CX, why aren’t more companies putting CX at the top of their priority list?

    The answer can be found in one (or all) of the following reasons:

    • It is costly
    • They lack the necessary expertise
    • They lack the necessary technology
    • They are focusing on their core competencies

    These are all fair arguments for putting CX on the back burner, but each of them has one easy and common solution: partner with a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) company to manage all of your customer interactions and communications.

    Outsourcing to a BPO partner can improve both your bottom line and your CX at the same time. BPOs provide workforce flexibility, cost savings through labor arbitrage, and access to technology otherwise not accessible in-house. Another reason to outsource is that BPO providers often have substantial knowledge and experience in the fields in which they deliver services. They can give a higher level of quality and efficiency than your company could accomplish internally.

    FrontLogix is here to help you develop customer loyalty strategies, make the most of your customer data, create new customer experiences, and streamline your business procedures. We provide a next-generation customer experience to strengthen customer relationships and boost Customer Lifetime Value.

    Looking to transform your CX? Let’s talk!

    Contact Center Agents at Work

    How to improve CX: seven things to implement

    Below, we list seven areas of improvement for a better customer experience.

    1. Redesigning customer journeys around CX

    The customer journey is more than just a sum of individual touchpoints. You won’t reap the full rewards of your development efforts if you concentrate on improving individual interactions. Make sure that you treat the customer experience as a journey spanning several touchpoints and make use of all available channels.

    Start by mapping out the journey for each type of customer. Bear in mind that customers will navigate your website for different reasons ‒ some of them will browse your products, while others will want to learn more about what you do or download your assets. Also, different customers prefer different methods of communication. Level up your CX by offering various methods of contact, such as live chat, email, and in-person customer service.

    FrontLogix can assist you in improving your customer experiences at each touchpoint by mapping the customer journey,  helping you determine your pain points, identifying your ideal customer, and offering preferable solutions.

    2.  Assessing real CX sentiment by listening and collecting feedback

    The second step is to conduct visitor testing on your digital channels and solicit feedback on your customer service. Customer suggestions, ideas, and complaints will help you identify areas for improvement and create better experiences. Surveys like the NPS (Net Promoter Score), CSAT (Customer Satisfaction), and CES (Customer Effort Score) can help you gauge customer satisfaction with your brand. The results of these surveys will demonstrate whether you provide poor, good, or excellent customer service. If you want to improve your CX, you must first understand how well you serve your customers.

    FrontLogix provides expert Customer Success Managers (CSMs) to monitor your key success metrics. We will assist you in maintaining your subscriber base, monitoring important customer KPIs, and determining the likelihood of churn. Industry professionals will measure the net promoter score (NPS), customer effort score (CES), and customer satisfaction (CSAT) in addition to other metrics such as platform usage and engagement.

    3. Omnichannel Personalization

    Omnichannel personalization refers to the integration of marketing, sales, and communication channels into a single customer database. So, when customers interact with a brand on one platform and then choose to continue on another, they will be able to pick up where they left off. 

    Customers want brands to understand them and provide personalized solutions to their problems. Your customers are now everywhere, thanks to the rapid expansion of available communications channels. However, simply being present on all channels is not enough. To deliver a truly exceptional  CX, all of these channels should be integrated and share customer data, allowing marketers to personalize each message, product suggestion, and experience based on the unique profile of each customer.

    Here’s where omnichannel personalization comes in.

    With omnichannel personalization, customers may browse for an item on an app and finalize the purchase on a desktop computer. And after completing the purchase on the app, they won’t be receiving the same product suggestion when browsing on the website. Subsequently, if a buyer abandons an item in their shopping cart on one platform, they will see an advertisement for the same item on another. 

    An omnichannel strategy also offers many communication channels, which boosts customer service efficiency. The customer service agent can instantly refer to a customer’s prior purchases and interactions with customer services – reducing customer effort across interactions.

    The omnichannel approach also offers additional flexibility. As a result of the back-end integration of channels, customers can seamlessly switch in the middle of an interaction.

    What customers want is friction-free communication and personalized solutions, which is exactly what the omnichannel experience offers. 

    FrontLogix will assist you in achieving seamless omnichannel engagements via voice, text, email, messaging, or video. Our agents are highly trained in multi-channel communication, resulting in faster responses, higher rates of first query resolution, and happier customers.

    4. Implementing self-service and AI

    While some customers will turn to agent assistance, others prefer the freedom of self-service. Self-service is an approach in which customers access resources to solve problems on their own. Empower them with self-service tools such as FAQ knowledge bases, AI chatbots, how-to video tutorials, and optimized IVR platforms.

    Successfully implemented self-service pays for itself twofold. It not only improves the customer experience and satisfaction score, but it also boosts revenue. By enabling your customers to solve their problems, you will considerably minimize customer care call volume and the quantity of support needed. 

    Keep in mind that not every self-service solution is helpful. Complicated technologies and poorly configured chatbots that trap customers in endless loops can only contribute to increased dissatisfaction. While rule-based chatbots are limited to simple, linear conversations, next-generation AI may gauge the customer’s sentiment and communicate more naturally using Natural Language Processing (NLP). Continue investing in virtual assistance and chatbot technology, and make ongoing improvements to the website’s content findability.

    5. Preserving the human touch

    When it comes to driving customer happiness (which can lead to more sales and improved loyalty),  human connection outperforms operational metrics. In addition, the drive to ruthless operational efficiency has left many organizations vulnerable to customer attrition.

    Although chatbots can resolve simple queries in seconds, they lack an agent’s empathy and problem-solving abilities. The ideal CX strikes a fine balance between human and digital.

    With AI resolving simple requests, agents are left with more complex issues to handle. That necessitates well-trained and knowledgeable agents, capable of first-call query resolution.

    To satisfy the full range of customer expectations, next-generation customer service requires ongoing investments in agent training and technology, as well as a successful marriage of the two.

    Digitally powered but personally driven, FrontLogix is a firm believer that humans help humans best. Our educated and highly trained human support professionals are well-equipped with cutting-edge automated solutions to ensure that help is provided quickly, efficiently, and at no additional expense.
    Get a quote.

    6. Offering customer support 24/7

    Customers want you to respond to their problems at all hours, including holidays and weekends. Outsourcing work to BPOs in different time zones allows you to be always online, allowing your organization to provide customer support around the clock, 365 days a year.

    FrontLogix can coach your staff on how to deliver a meaningful CX. Our CX Specialists will learn everything about your company, products, customers, competitors, strengths, and challenges, and pass that knowledge on to customer service reps.

    FrontLogix services include:

    • Seamless multichannel digital customer support
    • General CX optimization
    • Customer success management
    • Technical support
    • Sales and lead generation
    • Customer acquisition
    • Back-office support
    • Billing support
    • Workforce managed services

      With our core business being delighting customers, FrontLogix invests extensively in agent training. After being screened through a 6-stage process for language and communication skills, candidates are trained on proper etiquette, current technology, single-call resolution for inbound and outbound calls, and the specifics of each client’s product or service. 

      7. Optimizing workforce with Workforce Management (WFM)

      Workforce management (WFM) plays a significant role in running a contact center, with WFM teams handling a variety of tasks to optimize staffing levels.

      WFM can help you manage every part of your employee’s tasks. It plays a significant role in enhancing operational efficiency, from tracking time and attendance to distributing work, scheduling shifts, budgeting, and forecasting demand.

      WFM is critical to attaining optimal business, customer, and agent outcomes. As a result, most CCaaS solutions incorporate a WFM module, and expert workforce managers are in high demand.

      FrontLogix provides  24/7 access to a team of WFM experts, industry veterans, and integration specialists.

      FrontLogix’s WFM-managed services include:

      • Strategic WFM support and consultation
      • Precise data integration with your WFM system
      • Help in labor forecasting and scheduling 
      • Optimization of workforce resources 
      • Cost-effective access to skilled and experienced WFM resources 
      • Comprehensive reporting
      • Management analytics
      • Efficiency enhancement
      • Cost management improvements 
      • Performance monitoring 

      6 simple yet powerful strategies to improve customer retention

      Can you remember the last time you re-engaged with your customers and tried to win them back?

      These strategies will do exactly that and more.

      The bottom line…

      No matter what industry you’re in, providing a high-quality CX could drastically improve your customer loyalty and retention, leading to more sales and increased profits.

      Customers today have the power to influence how a business operates. The customer experience you provide plays an important role in the future success of your company, regardless of whether you offer superior goods. Ultimately, every business exists to serve its customers. As a result, customer experience has inevitably become a major focus for companies. 

      Customers expect customer support to be available around the clock, and traditional solutions can be costly in terms of labor and training. However, if you need professional assistance at a low cost, a high-quality BPO is always available. By prioritizing your CX, your brand’s reputation will be solidified as exceptional, giving you a competitive advantage over other brands in your niche.

      FrontLogix is a boutique CX BPO that offers personalized customer care solutions that are particularly suited to the demands of the client, resulting in great results at a lower cost.

      Seeking CX excellence? Get In Touch

      customer experience

      Why is customer experience so important?

      Everybody is talking about customer experience nowadays, but what is CX, and why is it so important?

      The customer’s interactions with your company, brand, product, or service are known as the customer journey. How they feel about all those interactions is Customer Experience.  As the customer moves from discovering the brand and receiving information about products or services, pricing models, and purchasing options to post-purchase handling, troubleshooting, and support, it shapes the Customer Experience. Whether their interactions are offline (in a physical store) or online (e-commerce or social media, email, etc.), doesn’t matter.

      Customer Experience = Brand Experience.

      Each brand is unique, as is every single one of its customers. Therefore, today it’s all about knowing your customers, asking them the right questions, listening to their responses, and acting on their feedback. All of this adds up to a fantastic Customer Experience. Making your customers feel heard is the key to success, as healthy customer relationships create stable and long-lasting businesses. Excellent customer experience improves Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), customer retention, and CSAT score, increasing loyalty and brand advocacy. And this is precisely why Customer Experience is so important.

      Two managers discussing Customer Experience strategies in a professional setting, in front of a lap top

      The power is in the customers, not in the brands.

      If you and your company fail to meet a customer’s need – you’re doomed. They sit on the throne today. Customers have the power to shape how business is done like never before.  Because at the end of the day, every business exists to serve its customers.

      Customer Experience has become a top priority for almost every company today. If you want your brand to remain in good standing in the eyes of your customers, you ought to thoroughly evaluate CX.  If your customers like your brand and the experience, they WILL tell people.  They will share on social media, spread word of mouth, review, refer and bring new customers in. BUT they will do the same if they’re unsatisfied. Likely even louder and more aggressively.  Few forces in nature equal an unsatisfied customer.

      The shift from a profit-centric to a customer-centric business model

      6 simple yet powerful strategies to improve customer retention

      Can you remember the last time you re-engaged with your customers and tried to win them back?

      These strategies will do exactly that and more.

      Getting your business to the next level

      Call Center Outsourcing Solutions - FrontLogix

      What are the benefits of offshore outsourcing

      Wondering why you’d go for offshore outsourcing instead of keeping it local? Sure, it might seem a bit out there to send work across the ocean, but there are some pretty solid reasons why going offshore can actually work out better for you.

      But, before we dig deeper into the benefits of offshore outsourcing, we need to look into the difference between onshore, nearshore, and offshore outsourcing.

      Basically, there are two ways to distinguish BPO providers: based on their location and the services they offer. This article will go through the divisions based on site ‒ onshore, nearshore, and offshore outsourcing.

      Jump to:

        The 3 types of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) based on location

        What is onshore outsourcing

        Onshore, or domestic outsourcing, is the act of outsourcing and receiving services within the borders of the country where a company is based.

        Various circumstances might cause domestic outsourcing to be advantageous, including the availability of specialist talents in specific areas, regional imbalances in rates and expenses, and the company’s culture and skill requirements.

        What are the benefits of onshore outsourcing?

        Below are three benefits of onshore outsourcing compared to other outsourcing locations:

        • Same laws and regulations: Onshore outsourcing offers reduced risks since both companies follow the same rules and regulations, such as proprietary rights, IP protections, and copyright laws.
        • Easier communication: As both companies are from the same country, communication is generally more straightforward. Also, onshore outsourcing offers the possibility of in-person meetings if needed.
        • Same time zone, same culture, same work styles, same holidays: There won’t be any dealing with cultural differences and different work styles. Also, there won’t be problems arising from not being able to handle emergency issues due to mismatched holidays.

        What are the disadvantages of onshore outsourcing?

        When compared to other locations, there is one major disadvantage of onshore outsourcing:

          • Not cost-effective: The two main reasons for outsourcing are freeing time to focus on core competencies and reducing costs. While the former is covered with a domestic BPO, you will see no significant cost reduction.

            Because your BPO’s country is the same as yours, the cost of services will be the same as having your own team do it. You might save on recruitment and training expenses, but not much more.

            With the standard of living being much lower in offshore countries ‒ and with it the median wage ‒ offshore outsourcing offers the same level of expertise but at a MUCH lower cost.
          Onshore outsourcing pros and cons

          What is nearshore outsourcing

          Contracting outsourcing vendors’ services between neighboring countries, or geographically close countries, is known as nearshore business process outsourcing.

          For example, this might include Canada, Mexico, or Central America for US-based companies. Nearshore outsourcing most often happens when companies need specialized skills at lower costs, but specific criteria, such as time zones and language proficiency, must still be considered. One example of nearshore outsourcing can be when a Silicon Valley company outsources some services to software specialists from Mexico.

          What are the benefits of nearshore outsourcing?

          Below we list four benefits of nearshore outsourcing:

          • Same time zones: Your BPO being in the same time zone enables real-time communication during your regular business hours. This allows for improved collaboration and reduced time lag between project completion.
          • More cost-effective than domestic outsourcing: Nearshore outsourcing offers the added benefit of cost-cutting compared to onshore outsourcing, as wages and other costs may be lower.
          • Similar mindset and culture: Smaller distance often implies smaller cultural differences. 
          • Low(er) travel costs: When partners are in close proximity, the expenses for face-to-face business meetings are lower than with an offshore outsourcing BPO.

          What are the disadvantages of nearshore outsourcing?

            Nearshore outsourcing pros and cons
            • Limited talent pool: The talent pool in a neighboring country might be limited for some industries. 
            • Political instability and limited infrastructure: Nearshore BPOs might be located in an area of political and economic instability. Also, developed countries have a more reliable internet connection and power supply.

            What is offshore outsourcing

            Offshore outsourcing is the third example of outsourcing business customer operations and other company activities. When a company hires a third-party supplier to run some of the operations from an outside country (most often overseas), it is known as offshore outsourcing. 

            Available resources, political structure and stability, lower labor costs, tax reductions, and other factors encourage companies to outsource offshore.

            What are the benefits of offshore outsourcing

            • BPOs are professionals at what they do: You can rest assured that the services they offer are backed up by years of experience in the field. They’ve already provided the training and found the best managers for the task. If you decide to hire and train in-house staff, there will be months, if not years, until they reach the level of teamwork and expertise the BPO offers.
            • Global talent pool: Offshore outsourcing opens up the doors to access highly trained and talented work teams. Thanks to globalization, companies may now connect with and hire individuals from all over the world.
            • Capitalizing on a well-educated workforce: Some of the most popular outsourcing destinations have a high percentage of upper secondary or tertiary education in the workforce. For example, North Macedonia, a country with a thriving outsourcing economy, boasts a tertiary degree attainment rate of roughly 64%. In the United States, that figure is 47.8%; in England, 42%, and 20% globally.
            • Cost-efficiency: Taking your business offshore means taking advantage of the lower cost of living expenses in outsourcing countries. This can result in significant cost savings for the company, as wages and overhead expenses are often much lower in countries with a lower cost of living.
            • No employee benefits, health insurance, and retirement costs: Because the BPO partner handles these, you will pay no additional benefits, as opposed to hiring an in-house workforce.
            • Tax reductions and tax exemptions: Companies may be eligible for tax exemptions and tax reductions in certain countries. The eligibility for tax reductions and other financial incentives varies from country to country. It is generally based on the type of business activity, the location of the business, and the level of investment the company makes.
            • 24/7 work schedule: The time difference might be a benefit in certain aspects. For example, your team and the outsourced team can cover opposite shifts. Precisely because of the time difference, Customer Service is covered around the clock.

            What are the disadvantages of offshore outsourcing?

              • Potential language barriers: If the mother tongue of the outsourcing country is not the same as yours, there may be some language barriers. However, when it comes to English, this is rarely the case, as some offshore countries have mandatory English as a second language taught from the first grade.
              Why is North Macedonia one of the best outsourcing destinations
              • Potential cultural differences: Great distance might indicate significant cultural differences, which can cause misunderstandings and difficulty in collaboration.
                But that is only sometimes the case. Some countries have been riding the wave of Globalization much more than others. Go through this Checklist for finding and choosing the right BPO partner before committing to one.
              • Different time zones and mismatched holidays: Meeting coordination and real-time communication can be difficult due to the time difference. Ensure that the offshore BPO covers shifts during your regular working hours and has a plan for covering days when a national holiday conflicts with yours.
              Offshore outsourcing pros and cons

              Drawing a conclusion

              While many companies need outsourcing services, offshore outsourcing seems to be the most beneficial and the right choice for companies that don’t need to have all operations done in the same time zone.

              Offshore outsourcing is highly cost-effective due to lower living and labor costs, tax reductions, and lower administrative expenses. This is particularly the case with emerging and developing countries.

              Also, hiring an offshore BPO will provide you access to a global talent pool, with high availability of specially qualified, skilled, and motivated people who operate fast and efficiently.

              FrontLogix is an offshore outsourcing provider that offers exceptional 24/7 Customer Experience, Customer Success Management, Sales Generation and Support, Billing, Software Technical Support, Workforce Management Services, and various Digital and Back-office Services.

              6 simple yet powerful strategies to improve customer retention

              Can you remember the last time you re-engaged with your customers and tried to win them back?

              These strategies will do exactly that and more.

              Technical Support Outsourcing Company - FrontLogix

              What services to outsource to reach your Goals

              You want to start outsourcing some non-essential work, but you’re uncertain where to start

              Different industries, different businesses, different goals, right?

              Yes, BUT the one true goal of every business, no matter the industry, is revenue growth. Every business owner wants happy, returning customers, a return on investment, and an increasing market share. We can also add reducing employee turnover and increase satisfaction and productivity. Overall, improving company value, becoming a leader in the industry, and improving customer satisfaction. Quite a long list, right? And certainly not an easy one – especially if you’re just starting. Outsourcing some of your non-essential work will undoubtedly help you in the long run, no matter how big or small your goals are. This is an extensive guide on what to do and how to determine which services to outsource so you can focus on your primary business goals.

              Woman discussing an outsource strategy plan, pointing on a whiteboard

              Begin by developing an outsourcing strategy

              Because outsourcing is a business investment, having a clear plan and implementing an outsourcing strategy is crucial. But what should an outsourcing strategy include?

              1. Outline the business goals. It is critical to clearly outline the business goals you intend to achieve through outsourcing for a project to succeed.
              2. Set a project structure. It will help you manage the project and ensure that the outsourcing team will meet the requirements.
              3. Be specific. Make a clear and extensive list of tasks you’d like to outsource and how and when you’d like them completed.
              4. Carefully plan the budget. This will affect the timeline, the number of hires, and the technologies and equipment you’ll be able to use.
              5. Determine your preferred outsourcing model. You can either go with a project-based or dedicated team model. In the first case, you’ll have the entire project handled by the BPO partner you choose. While in the second case, you can select a team from the BPO partner to work only for you and report directly to you.
              6. Carefully select your BPO partner. Examine portfolios, previous work, customer feedback, and referrals – carefully. Ascertain that they have the required knowledge, technology, and infrastructure (including, but not limited to both hardware and software)
              7. Define clear processes, roles, and responsibilities. This will help the project run smoothly.
              8. Have clear and frequent communication. Starting with a kick-off meeting, weekly follow-up meetings, and monthly report meetings. Make sure you determine the right channel and communication flow. All of this will keep you up to date with the project status and progress.
              9. Measure the productivity, progress, and results. This will allow you to see how the project is progressing, and whether it will fulfill your goals.

              What services to outsource easily?

              You know that outsourcing some of your jobs will save time and energy. That way, you’ll be able to focus on your primary business objectives. But do you have a clear idea of what services to outsource efficiently?

              Customer success management

              Every company nowadays relies on positive client interactions, particularly favorable consumer feedback. Companies that deliver solutions using a SaaS mode benefit from customer interaction. The customer support manager (CSM) is your conduit to the customers.  They ensure everything goes well after a purchase is made and smooth over any other customer-related friction, issues, and critical concerns.

              Two girls looking at an outsourcing strategy document

              Customer support & experience

              Back office services

              All services like accounting and finance, billing support, research and development, and IT and software tech help desk can be outsourced. And this is especially recommended for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). It would make your life so much easier if you didn’t have to know everything about compliance standards connected to bookkeeping, tax regulations to follow, and internet security infrastructures. Leave all of it in the hands of dedicated professionals.

              6 simple yet powerful strategies to improve customer retention

              Can you remember the last time you re-engaged with your customers and tried to win them back?

              These strategies will do exactly that and more.

              Sales generation, management & support

              Small enterprises usually don’t have big sales teams, often only having one person for the job. Sales management is one of the essential parts of running a company. You’ll never attain your profit goal if you’re not closing deals. Therefore, outsourcing sales support will help you locate and nurture leads. It will help your business grow, make sure you are always speaking to potential customers, and allow you to focus on converting instead of administration!

              Human Resources

              Recruiting is a long, complex, and time-consuming process. It requires developing job descriptions, hunting for suitable candidates, and endless rounds of interviews. All of this will not only cost you time and money but energy and focus as well. And having good HR managers in-house is quite expensive, too. All of this makes outsourcing human resources the smart choice.

              Marketing, Research, and Development

              Whether launching a new product, adding something to your marketing mix, or simply expanding to new markets, you’ll need thorough research. You need to know the competitive environment, the product, the competition, and the entire industry. As a result, you’ll need hands-on research, development, and marketing expertise. However, if you lack the necessary knowledge, expertise, skillset, or people on board, this will be another challenge.  Outsourcing all those operations is something to consider.

              outsource team

              The key takeaways

              By now, you should have a good idea of which services to outsource to BPO professionals and how you can choose your best BPO partner. We at FrontLogix provide exceptional outsourcing services for all of your needs. We’re committed to delivering and developing a customer-centric business model that will boost customer satisfaction, improve revenue, and lower costs. We’ll work together to develop strategies that will increase customer loyalty. We will help you make the most of your customer data, create new customer experiences, and optimize your business processes. Contact us today to discuss your needs.

              [Read Next] Definitive guide to outsourcing services

              Customer Success Managers - FrontLogix

              Тhe definitive guide to outsourcing services

              A complete guide to all the outsourcing services FrontLogix offers, plus everything you need to know about FrontLogix

              What this guide is all about

              Outsourcing some of your non-essential work will undoubtedly help you out in the long run. No matter how big or small your goals are.

              In this guide, you’ll get key takeaways in many areas of Outsourcing, CX Innovation & Strategy, and Technology Services. But most importantly, you’ll understand the services FrontLogix covers and the value we can provide your business.

              • Collaborates with businesses to create strategies that drive customer loyalty
              • It helps businesses make the most of their customer data
              • Creates positive new customer experiences

              We cannot stress enough how important it is to invest in better customer service.  Your business will reach new heights by building better relationships with customers. You’ll gain more satisfied customers who stay happy for more extended periods of time—all while saving time and money

              Customer care outsourcing services

              You already know the importance of providing excellent customer service at every turn in the customer journey. Maintaining a top-notch CX team in-house can be costly. Outsourcing customer care will let your company use multilingual omnichannel support, bilingual agents that will handle all inbound and outbound calls, non-verbal client communication support, and a wide range of other customer services. By outsourcing your customer service, you’ll:

              • Easily build customer trust – you’ll lower the wait time, decrease unanswered questions and help your customers in a matter of minutes and not in hours (or god forbid) days.
              • Efficiently scale your customer experience function – you’ll don’t need to recruit and hire new people, as you’ll have our agents at your disposal 24/7
              • Build a brand that customers love – your customers will feel heard, appreciated, and, most importantly, taken care of, so you’ll be able to give them yet another reason to love your brand even more.
              • Save money and time – you’ll be able to enjoy some big-time savings as the BPO partner will handle everything for you. Read more here.
              Woman coding software

              FrontLogix Outsourcing Services

              FrontLogix’s biggest and most important goal as a BPO provider is to transform customer engagement into customer loyalty and increase customer lifetime value. We firmly believe that combining data-driven and customer-driven experiences brings the highest value and ROI. There are several ways this can be achieved, and we’ve listed all of the services FrontLogix offers for small, midsize, or large businesses:

              a) Client Services

              • General Customer Experience (CX)
              • Sales and lead Generation
              • Billing Support
              • Technical Support
              • Customer Success Management
              • Sales Support

              a) Digital Support

              • Email
              • Chat
              • SMS
              • Social Media
              • In-App Messaging

              Client Outsourcing Services

              Without a doubt, delivering mind-blowing customer experiences is one of the hardest yet most important parts of every business.  The sale is only the first step. Taking care of customers and increasing CLV is the key to long-term success. The latest trends are shifting companies from profit-centric to customer-centric. But building a customer-centric business model along with a great customer experience requires a company-wide commitment and trustworthy partners. This is precisely what FrontLogix offers.

              Exceptional Customer Experience (CX)

              Providing an amazing Customer Experience is what we do best and what we’re most proud of. We’ll put your brand and your people first. The better experience your customers have, the more repeat customers, referrals, loyalty, and positive reviews your business will have.

              Think of the CX as the holistic perception your customers have of your brand – every interaction they have, from navigating the website to talking to the support agent, will impact their brand perception and, ultimately, their decision to come back to you or not. FrontLogix is here to make them come back and bring their friends along. Our custom-tailored support helps you capture more leads and improve conversion rates. Because we genuinely care about your customers’ feedback, having the highest CSAT is the core of everything we do. We aim to keep on reducing your TCO so you’ll be able to meet all your business needs.

              Sales and Lead Generation Outsourcing Services

              Generating sales leads is one of the critical parts of any successful business. Attracting, nurturing, and converting leads into existing customers is one of the biggest challenges companies face. FrontLogix can help you generate more and more quality sales by:

              • Having remote sales development reps
              • Finding the right contacts to attract
              • Building your email databases
              • Calling and emailing the prospects
              • Setting up introductions and booking qualified sales meetings

              Our professionals will help you nurture and convert leads, and they’ll be there for you to help you grow and make sure you always have great and happy customers.

              Contact Center Support services

              Contact center agent providing support services

              Billing Support Outsourcing Services

              FrontLogix offers billing services and support for your business. Everything from account information, updating details, bills, payment guidance, postage funding, purchase power, and other account management topics – we’re here to help. Effectively and efficiently. A dedicated support Desk will handle your customers’ queries, and a FrontLogix representative will immediately and comprehensively respond to your customers.

              Technical Support Outsourcing Services

              Deriving maximum value from your software and having high-end Technical Support adds value to your business, product, or service. FrontLogix has a team of highly experienced technical support representatives who are ready to help, support, maintain, and enhance your software, product, or platform and obtain the best customer experience.  We also include remote troubleshooting, installation and usability assistance, process monitoring, and optimization.

              Customer Success Management Outsourcing Services

              Positive customer relationships, and incredibly positive customer feedback, are something every business depends on. Particularly companies that provide solutions through a SaaS format. So, as a business owner, it’s up to you to set your business goals, and it’s up to us to help you move toward the ever-evolving desired outcome. The FrontLogix team’s ultimate goal is to help you be as successful as possible for as long as possible.

              Today, traditional account management is a thing of the past, and customer success-driven growth is here to stay. FrontLogix will approach each of our clients individually by:

              • Analyzing and Segmentation;
              • Setting up and managing the expectations;
              • Leveling up the communication
              • Measurement of the operations and results

              We’ll provide experienced Customer Success Managers (CSM) that will track established success metrics by monitoring specific customer KPIs and the likelihood of churn in addition to other indicators such as Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Satisfaction (CSAT), and Customer Effort Score (CES). What we truly care about is maintaining and increasing your customer base.

              Sales Support Outsourcing Services

              Like you,  FrontLogix also loves CLOSING DEALS! FrontLogix will help you find sales opportunities and do all the background work so that your sales reps are free to focus on selling.  Our people start working even before your salespeople meet your potential customers. With the help of automation and digital tools, we gather, analyze, and sort all the relevant data for your sales team. And after closing the deal, FrontLogix’s work really starts! We’ll continue our work with customer outreach and follow-up, ensuring we deliver a mind-blowing customer experience!

              Agent providing digital support outsourcing services

              Digital Support Outsourcing Services

              While every business and brand is unique, so are the customers. Knowing them means asking questions, listening to their responses, and acting on their feedback to create an excellent customer experience. To help you achieve all this, FrontLogix’s top priorities are:

              • Implementing a system for collecting feedback, analyzing it, and acting on it while solving specific problems and answering specific needs
              • Combining customer preferences and data intelligence with cutting-edge technologies and white-glove service to deliver consistent and mind-blowing omnichannel customer engagement, actionable analytics, personalization, and overall customer experience

              Our omnichannel presence helps brands connect with customers anywhere and anytime. We provide support via Email, Chat, SMS, Social Media, and In-App messaging.

              A man working on a computer.


              When it comes to customer service emails, it’s important to stand out! FrontLogix emails do exactly that. We sound natural, friendly, and eager to help—just how we’d talk to the customers if they were standing right there. Maintaining the quality of each email is a challenging job! FrontLogix, driven by customer-centric culture, knows the importance of quality emails, which is why we never compromise. Customers will always get the attention they need and desire without spammy sales or irrelevant information clogging their inbox.


              Without a doubt, chat is the fastest way to support customers, especially when they’re already on their devices. This helps resolve problems as they appear, providing answers within seconds. Being fast and convenient adds up to an amazing customer experience.


              Targeting those who don’t use the live chat, FrontLogix also offers SMS customer service and support – providing relevant answers and solutions to your customers via SMS text messaging in real-time – right into the customer’s native text messaging app.

              Social Media

              Meeting the customers right where they are is another very important part of the customer-centric culture. And most of them are on Social Media. No matter the channel, FrontLogix offers responses through social channels, quickly and conveniently. Because solving an issue right away is the most important part of awesome customer support.

              In-App Messaging

              No matter if the customers need onboarding, technical support, or simply to be welcomed or engaged, FrontLogix is here to assist.  We’ll identify the user’s pain points, assist them moving forward, and facilitate various customer support processes and scenarios with our in-app messaging. We seamlessly support massaging platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Apple iMessage, WeChat, LINE, Telegram, Skype, and many more.

              6 simple yet powerful strategies to improve customer retention

              Can you remember the last time you re-engaged with your customers and tried to win them back?

              These strategies will do exactly that and more.

              In need of BPO services? Contact us today to discuss how FrontLogix can help streamline your business operations with our specialized outsourcing solutions.