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AI vs. Human Agents in Contact Centers: Who Does What Better?

Recently, the emergence of AI in contact centers has raised questions about employee job security.

However, it’s important to understand that while AI brings efficiency and data management to the table, it falls short of delivering the kind of nuanced and empathetic interactions that come naturally to humans.

In this blog post, we will delve into the distinct advantages of both AI and human agents in the context of contact centers. We aim to showcase how the synergy between human empathy and AI’s precision can elevate customer service to new heights.

Tasks AI handles better in Contact Centers

1. AI-Powered Analytics

The true advantage of AI lies in its ability to quickly and accurately analyze large data sets. By examining an entire customer database, AI can review each customer’s interactions, behaviors, and preferences. This insightful analysis highlights which leads are most likely to convert, allowing call centers to better focus their resources.


  • Data-driven decision making
  • Quick analysis of large data sets
  • Enhanced strategic planning

2. Predictive Analysis

AI analytics possess the capability to forecast future customer actions by examining previous interactions and data. For instance, it can pinpoint customers who might be interested in upcoming products or services, allowing businesses to implement proactive and highly targeted marketing campaigns.


  • Anticipation of customer needs and preferences.
  • Improved customer satisfaction through personalized offers.
  • Greater efficiency in marketing efforts.
Person working on laptop

3. Automated Responses and Virtual Assistants

AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants can handle routine inquiries and repetitive tasks efficiently. They provide instant responses, reducing wait times and freeing up human agents to focus on more complex issues. These virtual assistants can also operate 24/7, ensuring continuous support.


  • Reduced response times.
  • 24/7 availability.
  • Consistent and accurate responses to common queries.

4. Speech and Text Recognition

AI’s ability to recognize and process natural language is a game-changer for contact centers. Speech and text recognition technologies enable real-time transcription of calls, sentiment analysis, and automated tagging and categorization of interactions. This capability enhances the accuracy and speed of information retrieval.


  • Real-time call transcription.
  • Automated sentiment analysis.
  • Improved data categorization and tagging.
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5. Fraud Detection and Security

AI systems are adept at detecting fraudulent activities by analyzing patterns and anomalies in customer interactions. They can flag suspicious behavior in real-time, helping to prevent fraud and enhance security measures in contact centers.


  • Real-time fraud detection.
  • Enhanced security protocols.
  • Reduced risk of fraudulent activities.

Tasks humans handle better in Contact Centers

1. Complex Problem Solving

While AI can handle routine inquiries, humans excel at complex problem-solving and critical thinking. When customers face unique or multifaceted issues, human agents can use their judgment, creativity, and experience to find effective solutions.


  • Personalized problem resolution.
  • Flexibility in handling unique cases.
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction through tailored solutions.

2. Emotional Intelligence and Empathy

Human agents bring emotional intelligence and empathy to customer interactions, which is crucial for building rapport and trust. Customers often prefer speaking with empathetic agents who can understand their feelings and provide compassionate support.


  • Improved customer relationships.
  • Increased customer loyalty and trust.
  • Better handling of emotionally charged situations.
Shallow Focus of Woman Working in a Call Center

3. Negotiation and Persuasion

Negotiation and persuasion are skills that require a deep understanding of human psychology and behavior. Human agents can effectively negotiate with customers, offer personalized incentives, and persuade them to take desired actions, such as renewing a service or upgrading a plan.


  • Effective conflict resolution.
  • Increased sales and retention rates.
  • Personalized customer incentives.

4. Adaptability and Flexibility

Humans can adapt to unexpected situations and handle tasks that require flexibility and quick thinking. When a situation deviates from the norm, human agents can adjust their approach and find creative solutions, something AI systems may struggle with due to their reliance on predefined rules and algorithms.


  • Handling of unpredictable scenarios.
  • Quick adjustment to new information.
  • Innovative problem-solving approaches.

5. Building Long-term Relationships

Human agents excel in building and maintaining long-term relationships with customers. They can engage in meaningful conversations, understand customer needs over time, and provide a personalized experience that fosters loyalty and trust.


  • Stronger customer loyalty.
  • Enhanced brand reputation.
  • Long-term customer engagement.
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In the dynamic environment of contact centers, both AI and humans play vital roles. AI enhances efficiency, accuracy, and speed in handling data-driven and repetitive tasks, while humans bring emotional intelligence, complex problem-solving, and adaptability to the table. By leveraging the strengths of both AI and human agents, contact centers can deliver superior customer service, improve operational efficiency, and build lasting customer relationships.

At FrontLogix, we harness the power of AI to redefine customer service, making interactions more efficient, personalized, and satisfying. Our innovative solutions ensure that every customer experience is seamless and engaging, from intelligent call routing to real-time support and insightful data analysis. Discover how our AI-enabled customer service can elevate your customer service to new heights and transform your business.

Call Center Outsourcing Solutions - FrontLogix

What are the benefits of offshore outsourcing

Wondering why you’d go for offshore outsourcing instead of keeping it local? Sure, it might seem a bit out there to send work across the ocean, but there are some pretty solid reasons why going offshore can actually work out better for you.

But, before we dig deeper into the benefits of offshore outsourcing, we need to look into the difference between onshore, nearshore, and offshore outsourcing.

Basically, there are two ways to distinguish BPO providers: based on their location and the services they offer. This article will go through the divisions based on site ‒ onshore, nearshore, and offshore outsourcing.

Jump to:

    The 3 types of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) based on location

    What is onshore outsourcing

    Onshore, or domestic outsourcing, is the act of outsourcing and receiving services within the borders of the country where a company is based.

    Various circumstances might cause domestic outsourcing to be advantageous, including the availability of specialist talents in specific areas, regional imbalances in rates and expenses, and the company’s culture and skill requirements.

    What are the benefits of onshore outsourcing?

    Below are three benefits of onshore outsourcing compared to other outsourcing locations:

    • Same laws and regulations: Onshore outsourcing offers reduced risks since both companies follow the same rules and regulations, such as proprietary rights, IP protections, and copyright laws.
    • Easier communication: As both companies are from the same country, communication is generally more straightforward. Also, onshore outsourcing offers the possibility of in-person meetings if needed.
    • Same time zone, same culture, same work styles, same holidays: There won’t be any dealing with cultural differences and different work styles. Also, there won’t be problems arising from not being able to handle emergency issues due to mismatched holidays.

    What are the disadvantages of onshore outsourcing?

    When compared to other locations, there is one major disadvantage of onshore outsourcing:

      • Not cost-effective: The two main reasons for outsourcing are freeing time to focus on core competencies and reducing costs. While the former is covered with a domestic BPO, you will see no significant cost reduction.

        Because your BPO’s country is the same as yours, the cost of services will be the same as having your own team do it. You might save on recruitment and training expenses, but not much more.

        With the standard of living being much lower in offshore countries ‒ and with it the median wage ‒ offshore outsourcing offers the same level of expertise but at a MUCH lower cost.
      Onshore outsourcing pros and cons

      What is nearshore outsourcing

      Contracting outsourcing vendors’ services between neighboring countries, or geographically close countries, is known as nearshore business process outsourcing.

      For example, this might include Canada, Mexico, or Central America for US-based companies. Nearshore outsourcing most often happens when companies need specialized skills at lower costs, but specific criteria, such as time zones and language proficiency, must still be considered. One example of nearshore outsourcing can be when a Silicon Valley company outsources some services to software specialists from Mexico.

      What are the benefits of nearshore outsourcing?

      Below we list four benefits of nearshore outsourcing:

      • Same time zones: Your BPO being in the same time zone enables real-time communication during your regular business hours. This allows for improved collaboration and reduced time lag between project completion.
      • More cost-effective than domestic outsourcing: Nearshore outsourcing offers the added benefit of cost-cutting compared to onshore outsourcing, as wages and other costs may be lower.
      • Similar mindset and culture: Smaller distance often implies smaller cultural differences. 
      • Low(er) travel costs: When partners are in close proximity, the expenses for face-to-face business meetings are lower than with an offshore outsourcing BPO.

      What are the disadvantages of nearshore outsourcing?

        Nearshore outsourcing pros and cons
        • Limited talent pool: The talent pool in a neighboring country might be limited for some industries. 
        • Political instability and limited infrastructure: Nearshore BPOs might be located in an area of political and economic instability. Also, developed countries have a more reliable internet connection and power supply.

        What is offshore outsourcing

        Offshore outsourcing is the third example of outsourcing business customer operations and other company activities. When a company hires a third-party supplier to run some of the operations from an outside country (most often overseas), it is known as offshore outsourcing. 

        Available resources, political structure and stability, lower labor costs, tax reductions, and other factors encourage companies to outsource offshore.

        What are the benefits of offshore outsourcing

        • BPOs are professionals at what they do: You can rest assured that the services they offer are backed up by years of experience in the field. They’ve already provided the training and found the best managers for the task. If you decide to hire and train in-house staff, there will be months, if not years, until they reach the level of teamwork and expertise the BPO offers.
        • Global talent pool: Offshore outsourcing opens up the doors to access highly trained and talented work teams. Thanks to globalization, companies may now connect with and hire individuals from all over the world.
        • Capitalizing on a well-educated workforce: Some of the most popular outsourcing destinations have a high percentage of upper secondary or tertiary education in the workforce. For example, North Macedonia, a country with a thriving outsourcing economy, boasts a tertiary degree attainment rate of roughly 64%. In the United States, that figure is 47.8%; in England, 42%, and 20% globally.
        • Cost-efficiency: Taking your business offshore means taking advantage of the lower cost of living expenses in outsourcing countries. This can result in significant cost savings for the company, as wages and overhead expenses are often much lower in countries with a lower cost of living.
        • No employee benefits, health insurance, and retirement costs: Because the BPO partner handles these, you will pay no additional benefits, as opposed to hiring an in-house workforce.
        • Tax reductions and tax exemptions: Companies may be eligible for tax exemptions and tax reductions in certain countries. The eligibility for tax reductions and other financial incentives varies from country to country. It is generally based on the type of business activity, the location of the business, and the level of investment the company makes.
        • 24/7 work schedule: The time difference might be a benefit in certain aspects. For example, your team and the outsourced team can cover opposite shifts. Precisely because of the time difference, Customer Service is covered around the clock.

        What are the disadvantages of offshore outsourcing?

          • Potential language barriers: If the mother tongue of the outsourcing country is not the same as yours, there may be some language barriers. However, when it comes to English, this is rarely the case, as some offshore countries have mandatory English as a second language taught from the first grade.
          Why is North Macedonia one of the best outsourcing destinations
          • Potential cultural differences: Great distance might indicate significant cultural differences, which can cause misunderstandings and difficulty in collaboration.
            But that is only sometimes the case. Some countries have been riding the wave of Globalization much more than others. Go through this Checklist for finding and choosing the right BPO partner before committing to one.
          • Different time zones and mismatched holidays: Meeting coordination and real-time communication can be difficult due to the time difference. Ensure that the offshore BPO covers shifts during your regular working hours and has a plan for covering days when a national holiday conflicts with yours.
          Offshore outsourcing pros and cons

          Drawing a conclusion

          While many companies need outsourcing services, offshore outsourcing seems to be the most beneficial and the right choice for companies that don’t need to have all operations done in the same time zone.

          Offshore outsourcing is highly cost-effective due to lower living and labor costs, tax reductions, and lower administrative expenses. This is particularly the case with emerging and developing countries.

          Also, hiring an offshore BPO will provide you access to a global talent pool, with high availability of specially qualified, skilled, and motivated people who operate fast and efficiently.

          FrontLogix is an offshore outsourcing provider that offers exceptional 24/7 Customer Experience, Customer Success Management, Sales Generation and Support, Billing, Software Technical Support, Workforce Management Services, and various Digital and Back-office Services.

          6 simple yet powerful strategies to improve customer retention

          Can you remember the last time you re-engaged with your customers and tried to win them back?

          These strategies will do exactly that and more.

          Two man sitting at the office

          BPO vs. Contact center: The difference, explained

          One of the most commonly asked and frequently searched questions is: How are call centers different from BPOs?

          BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) and call/contact center are frequently used interchangeably. People often confuse the services both offer and treat them as if they’re the same thing. Even though these terms might seem related, they are not the same.  Here, we’ll help you learn more about the definitions, fundamental differences, and similarities between call centers and BPO service providers to make more informed selections as you outfit your facility with new technology and prepare to outsource to fulfill customer demands.

          What is a BPO?

          What are Contact Centers?

          A contact center is often an in-house, centralized facility that handles communications-related operations to answer client requests for product or service support or information. Although the modern contact centers include everything from email to chat, instant messaging tools, and video calling, the main focus is telecommunications. Contact centers may also be utilized for other functions, including research, customer service, technical support, medical advice, and more.

          Contact centers or Call centers: what’s the distinction?

          Employees in an open plan office, working on computers

          What are the differences between BPO and Contact Centers?

          Functionality & Operations

          BPOs handle client relationships and key back-end business tasks behind the scenes. On the other hand, contact centers only operate on the front lines, focusing on interactions between callers and agents and providing customer support by ensuring existing customers are kept happy, or new customers are acquired. While some front-office jobs are shared among the two, contact center employees never handle many back-end processes. Here are a few examples:

          • Market research
          • Sales and marketing
          • Data entry
          • Payments
          • Finance
          • Accounts
          • Management tasks, etc.
          A woman smiling while talking on a cell phone

          Services provided

          A call center is a subset of BPO that primarily focuses on telephone calls. BPO, on the other hand, focuses on tasks. While a call center service is essential for direct consumer connection and cultivating a company’s relationship with its clients, BPOs are hired to work on an organization’s back- and front-office work to contribute to reputation management. Interacting with customers may or may not be required. BPOs look after non-core processes to increase efficiency and lower expenses.

          BPOs can provide services for the following industries:

          • Finance and Accounting (Accountants, Bookkeepers, and Debt Recovery )
          • Back Office Support (Human Resource Managers, Encoders, Virtual Assistants, Data Entry, and Account Managers)
          • Marketing Operations (Digital Marketers, Social Media Managers, Copywriters, Video Editors, and Graphic Designers)
          • Customer Support (Customer Service Specialists, Telemarketers, Email Support/Chat Representatives, Lead Generators)
          • IT (Software Engineers and Developers, Network Engineers, UI/UX & Website Developers)

          Call centers can provide services for the following industries:

          • Billing and Collections (Billing Specialists, Collections);
          • Lead generation (Survey generation, appointment setting);
          • Customer Service (Email assistance, customer care);
          • Technical Support (System Engineers, Network Engineers)

          Process Management

          Data entry, management, payments, surveys, accounts & finance are part of the back-end process. Contact centers manage only front-office processes, mainly inbound and outbound calls. Among the front office procedures, customer management services like telemarketing, appointment setting, customer care, inbound and outbound sales, market research, technical assistance, and help desk services via social media, phone, email, and live chat.

          6 simple yet powerful strategies to improve customer retention

          Can you remember the last time you re-engaged with your customers and tried to win them back?

          These strategies will do exactly that and more.

          What have we learned?

          A Cоntact center is not the same thing as BPO. And the difference is quite significant. A contact center is a subset of a BPO that focuses on handling customer-related items.

          Contact centers and call centers differ via the communication channels covered: call centers usually just involve phone labor, while contact centers involve many different communication channels.

          Four colleagues discussing charts

          Business Process Outsourcing examples and best practices

          Which is the best example of outsourcing

          Team discussing business process outsourcing services examples

          Reasons for outsourcing

          Some of the reasons include the need for flexibility in staffing, cost savings through labor arbitrage, and access to skills that are unavailable in-house. Another reason for outsourcing is that BPO providers typically have extensive knowledge and experience in the areas they offer services. They can often provide a higher level of quality and efficiency than a company could achieve internally.

          Outsourcing examples and best practices

          Front-office outsourcing examples

          • Cold calling
          • Follow-up calls
          • Scheduling appointments
          • Updating contact list information
          • Onboarding new customers
          • Answering all customer queries
          • Resolving customer complaints, issues, and disputes
          • Payment processing
          • Order processing
          • Upgrades and renewals
          • Scheduling appointments

          Marketing, Strategy, Sales, and Research outsourcing

          Marketing outsourcing is another typical business process outsourcing example. Many companies (especially  SaaS providers) outsource their marketing services to third-party companies. These third parties include advertising agencies, event management agencies, digital marketing providers, strategic marketing and management agencies, etc. The most common examples of marketing outsourcing services are:

          • Market and competitive research
          • Marketing strategy  
          • Content writing
          • Content creation/production
          • Design
          • CRM 
          • Marketing automation
          • Social media marketing
          • SEO
          • Event management
          • Public relations

          Often companies combine sales and marketing outsourcing. This means hiring a BPO (or third-party specialized sales agency) to handle the sales process for them. This example is popular among start-ups or smaller companies with insufficient time or the right people on board. Apart from outsourcing the sales processes, some companies choose to outsource the after-sales services as well. This means supporting the customers after they make their purchases.

          Another popular front-office business process outsourcing example is market research. Professional market research outsourcing companies use tailored strategies and specific methods for each client. They have skilled personnel in place to efficiently and effectively conduct the research providing the best possible results.

          IT and software development outsourcing

          • Website development
          • Website Hosting
          • Application (software) development
          • Application (software) support or management
          • Database development
          • Database management
          • IT infrastructure & management
          • Team planning and mapping outsourcing strategy
          Team planning and mapping outsourcing strategy

          Back-office outsourcing examples

           While front-office services are mostly client-facing, back-office services are not. One pretty common example of business process outsourcing is the use of a third-party company to handle payroll functions. Similar to the other examples, by outsourcing the payroll process, a company can save time and money while also ensuring that employees are paid accurately and on time. Payroll outsourcing most often includes:

          • Processing paychecks
          • Tracking vacation and sick days
          • Managing other benefits

          Another common back-office outsourcing example is accounting outsourcing. Many companies hire third-party accountants or accounting firms to handle  accounting services, including:

          • Cost Accounting
          • Accounts Receivable/Accounts Payable Management
          • Tax reporting and filing
          • Bookkeeping
          • Financial statements and reports
          • Financial planning, analysis, and strategies

          HR outsourcing is also one of the most popular back-office outsourcing examples, where a company transfers management and responsibility for certain HR functions to the external provider. Popular HR outsourcing options available to employers include:

          • Monthly HR support
          • Strategic HR Initiatives
          • Employee Engagement
          • Employee data management
          • Benefit and leave administration
          • Relocation services (international and domestic)
          • Recruiting and hiring operations
          • Learning and training services
          • Reporting and analytics

          6 simple yet powerful strategies to improve customer retention

          Can you remember the last time you re-engaged with your customers and tried to win them back?

          These strategies will do exactly that and more.

          The right BPO option for your company

          Employee feeling pressure in the office

          Why and when to consider a BPO

          Everything you need to know to get higher quality and better performance of your business processes

          Lap top turned off on desk

          The post-pandemic “new normal”

          It has been a genuinely challenging couple of years. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a harmful impact on almost every business in every industry across the globe. The global country-wide lockdowns have created a “new normal” working environment, forcing companies to introduce and exploit remote working possibilities. Now more than ever, companies face challenges beyond surviving in the market. The priority has been keeping their employees safe during the pandemic and simply keeping their employees during the Great Resignation. Maintaining a workforce has been incredibly challenging as many struggled to adapt to the new working conditions. Working from home was often imperfect, and business owners and managers also felt the pain.

          Why is outsourcing specific business processes to a BPO a smart choice?

          The constant growth of BPO industry

          By 2025, it is estimated that the BPO model will become a standard instrument in the strategic management toolbox. The outsourcing industry has become an attractive opportunity for companies to increase their overall efficiency while saving on additional costs, resulting in massive growth.

          Man using 3 computers BPO

          The main reasons to consider a BPO

          1. Strategic

          Running a business requires experience, knowledge, patience, strategic thinking, time, and of course, money. When running a business (no matter the size), you have to know the industry, understand the market and key competitors, and have a game-changing team of people who can transfer your goals into results. This all goes into the strategic reason for hiring a BPO. Business Process Outsourcing allows you to focus solely on perfecting core business functions and the work that matters most to growing your business. By outsourcing the non-essential work, if you lack knowledge or manpower, you’ll be able to reallocate your best resources onto the core strategic tasks and accelerate the growth of your business faster and easier. Focusing on core competencies is one of the fundamental strategic approaches in every business. By working with a BPO, you will have experienced and talented specialists available at your disposal. This, in essence, means you’ll have top-level “employees” available without going through the long process of recruiting and hiring.

          2. Economic

          BPOs are cost-effective. They require shorter commitments and smaller team sizes. This helps you reduce overhead costs and save valuable time (which can reduce costs even further). Think about the costs of setting up an office and building onsite or remote infrastructure (both hardware & software). Add time spent selecting and interviewing candidates, hiring expenses, employee salaries, and employee benefits. By eliminating those costs, Business Process Outsourcing becomes incredibly cost-effective.  Another important economic component is that if the Business Process Outsourcing partner you hire is located in an emerging economy, you will achieve additional savings through labor cost arbitrage.

          3. Technological

          The digital age is ever-evolving, and technology seems to improve in the blink of an eye. Today, every business strongly relies on customer experience, and this is especially true of Saas companies.  So, to perfect customer experience and care, BPOs are continuously adopting the latest trends and technologies to offer digital, omnichannel, seamless, and innovative solutions. A good outsourcing partner utilizes the power of technology to deliver the best customer experiences and create an end-to-end united customer journey across all touchpoints. So, by working with a BPO, you automatically have access to the latest technology, skilled and trained people, and innovative solutions tailored to you, your business, and your customers.

          6 simple yet powerful strategies to improve customer retention

          Can you remember the last time you re-engaged with your customers and tried to win them back?

          These strategies will do exactly that and more.

          When is the best time to consider a BPO?

          Yesterday. Literally. Every day is the best time to consider a BPO, especially if you have tons of work piled up on your shoulders. But if you look back at everything said earlier, here are the best times to consider outsourcing and partnering with a BPO:

          • When you need to reduce or lower costs
          • When you need to grow your team but don’t have the time or cannot find the right personnel
          • When you need to focus on strategy and core or critical business matters
          • When you need or want to grow fast (start-ups and mature companies)

          But it all depends on the business type, size, needs, and opportunities. BPOs can be beneficial for both large and small companies and start-ups. They provide global, specialized talent ( available 24/7) regardless of the location of your business. They are cost-effective and take some of the non-essential work off your back. A combined approach using both in-house teams (i.e., marketing, sales, operations, etc.) and an outsourcing partner  (i.e., call center, customer support, technical support, software development, etc.) can see the greatest and fastest business results.


          What are the Pros and Cons of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)?

          Business Process Outsourcing has recently gained popularity, although it has both advantages and disadvantages. This article discusses the benefits and drawbacks of Business Process Outsourcing, ranging from lower costs to potential communication issues.

          Jump to:

          What is Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), and how does it work?

          In simple terms, Business Process Outsourcing is the practice of hiring an outside company to handle certain business processes instead of a dedicated in-house team. 

          Having a dedicated in-house team ‒ or in-sourcing processes ‒ involves having the work performed within the organization’s operational structure by dedicated specialized teams for each business process.

          That implies either hiring and training new staff or increasing the workload of existing staff members. On the other hand, outsourcing places the operations and processes off-site, using the workforce and resources of an outside organization.

          There are two main reasons companies decide to outsource their business operations: cost savings and strategic focus on the core aspects of the business. While there are certainly trade-offs, generally, when activities are outsourced, the overall efficiency and productivity of the company can be significantly improved.

          Now let’s review the outsourcing business operations pros and cons.

          What are the 9 pros of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)

          1. Lower costs and saved time

          Lower costs are the most significant factor companies consider when choosing between in-house and outsourcing operations. When considering office setup, infrastructure costs, the burden of hiring, and paying in-house salaries and benefits, outsourcing is almost always less costly.

          This is because wages and the cost of living in other countries can be much cheaper than in developed countries, allowing corporations to pay workers in such countries less while still providing them with an acceptable standard of living.

          Imagine you need to build a website, some software, or a mobile app. This is the IT team you’ll need to assemble and the resources you’ll need to build in-house:

          • Team of designers (graphic & UI/UX)
          • Team of developers (frontend & backend)
          • Quality Assurance Testers & QA Software
          • Project Manager
          • Workplace infrastructure (office utilities, hardware, and software)

          Or here’s another example: Let’s say you already have a product and need to take care of the users. This is the Customer Success team you’ll need to acquire and the resources you’ll need to have:

          • Onboarding Specialist
          • Call Agent
          • Experienced Customer Success Manager
          • CRM software/system
          • Data Analyst/Manager
          • Workplace infrastructure

          Again, if outsourcing, you will hire a company to manage the customer interactions instead.

          2. Shorter commitments

          Another great benefit of BPO is the ability to hire an expert without long-term commitments. This means you’ll hire on an hourly or project basis, and you will pay only for the work done. Whereas hiring an in-house team is a longer commitment bound to a fixed monthly salary plus other employee benefits.

          Let’s look at another example. You may need code developed for an ongoing project. This might be a short-term (i.e., two-month) job, so there’s no point in permanently employing a new professional coder to your in-house team. Instead, you ask for a BPO company that provides software development services to hire a developer with a specific skill set required for your project. Problem solved without spending a considerable amount or signing permanent contracts.

          Or let’s say your product is up and running, but customers have difficulty onboarding or have functionality questions. Finding a good customer service representative might take ages and drain your energy. Hiring a BPO company with a dynamic contact center will provide you with trained customer success agents.

          3. Access to the talent foundry and industry best practices

          Yet another advantage of outsourcing is that BPOs have a trained and experienced workforce which takes time to develop.

          They are professionals at what they do, with years of experience in that field. It might take years for a new in-house team to be recruited, trained, and up to speed in order to reach the same level of productivity as a BPO. In fact, it takes an average of 12 months for new employees to realize their full performance potential.

          In addition, BPOs may have wider talent networks of freelancers and independent contractors that can perfectly meet your needs without onboarding or training. This means you’ll have top-level talents available without going through the long recruiting process.

          4. Access to the latest technologies

          Why spend money on pricey equipment when you can access it for free through outsourcing? BPOs have cutting-edge technologies and equipment, giving you access to the most recent and advanced tools and systems – without making a huge investment.

          Secondly, outsourcing companies have the means and experience to maintain and update these systems, which can save your company a significant amount of money.

          5. Helps you focus on business growth

          6. Lean and agile teams

          Once you delegate all non-essential work to the BPO, you can focus on doing what you do best and on your business’s core competencies.

          Outsourcing lets you free up internal resources and create an agile, lean, and cross-functional team of professionals that can carry out a project from start to finish.

          Smaller teams are typically easier to manage and bond faster, leading to better communication and quick decision-making. 

          There is also more accountability because it is clear who is doing what. Working in a smaller team boosts individual performance and ownership, and team members can more easily adjust to changing conditions or shifting priorities.

          7. Reduced CapEx and OpEx

          Delegating non-essential work and building a small in-house team has another far-reaching ripple effect.

          Smaller teams need less office space and less equipment. With less equipment, there are likely to be fewer maintenance costs. Smaller teams also need less cleaning and office supplies.
          That in turn leads to lower costs for things like rent, utilities, and maintenance, positively affecting your capital expenditures and operating expenses.

          8. Nimbleness, scalability, and flexibility

          Unhappy with the output of your BPO? Changing the team or the provider is a much simpler process than the HR nightmare of restructuring, reshuffling, or a reduction in force.

          Also, you are not bound to keep a team on payroll during business plateaus or during the off-season when outsourcing. And in times of increased workload, you can simply expand it.

          Outsourcing offers flexibility to scale your outsourced team up or down based on need. This allows you to respond quickly to market developments.

          9. Risk reduction

          One of the most significant advantages of hiring a BPO is risk reduction. Recruiting can be a drain on resources and also comes with the risk of bad hires or poor cultural fits. Employees must be located, interviewed, and onboarded before their contribution is entirely known. In addition, the positions that BPOs replace are often higher-turnover jobs.

          Outsourcing is contractually bound to include the scope of work, performance metrics, and budgets. Your information is protected through NDAs and confidentiality agreements. BPOs accept much of the uncertainty that comes with hiring, and you can rest easier.

          6 simple yet powerful strategies to improve customer retention

          Can you remember the last time you re-engaged with your customers and tried to win them back?

          These strategies will do exactly that and more.

          What are the 2 cons of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)

          1. Lack of control and management

          Control and management issues are the most common concern when considering outsourcing. And it is a legitimate issue. However, if you find a reliable BPO and dedicated team who will have the knowledge, skills, and understanding of your business, you shouldn’t need to control the entire process.

          A good practice is to have detailed documentation of your business and scope of work, requirements, milestones, and everything you consider essential. This will help both parties keep track of the work and help resolve issues in case something goes wrong.

          However, if you prefer delegating management tasks, this will not be as efficient with a BPO. In this case, an in-house Project Manager might be a more efficient solution.

          2. Potential communication challenges

          Communicating with an in-house or on-site team is easier than with an outsourcing company. However, in the wake of the pandemic and the adoption of remote work arrangements, that transition has already been made in many cases.

          Communication issues may still arise, especially if the outsource team is located in a different time zone, doesn’t have a solid internet connection, or does not stick to the preferred communication medium.

          But again, this is manageable by finding a reliable BPO partner and determining the core communication channels and processes, including meeting and response times.

          To make this easier for you, here is a chart that shows both pros and cons of BPO:

          Chart of pros and cons of Business Process Outsourcing


          As the above information demonstrates, there are a lot of benefits to hiring a BPO company. It’s also worth mentioning that you may find long-term relationships or networks that will contribute to the success of your business.

          If having a large company is important to you, you should build one. If you are focused on making an impact, however, a BPO may be your exact tool to achieve that. (BPOs can also be very beneficial to large companies as well.)

          On the other hand, if you are a start-up, need to focus on funding, and cannot afford to expand the in-house team, the BPO is the right way to go.

          However, a hybrid model may be the best approach. Have an in-house team for some operations, but outsource others. Or better yet, augment an existing in-house team by adding outsourced team members. This works perfectly when searching for specific talents, elusive skill sets, or varied perspectives.

          At the end of the day, you need to analyze your company’s needs and goals to determine an appropriate choice that will not distract your focus from core business functions.

          FrontLogix is a boutique CX BPO that offers personalized customer care solutions that are particularly suited to the client’s demands. We offer a variety of Client Services, Digital Support Services, and WFM-managed Services. With both US-based and offshore facilities, we provide high-quality service at a cost-effective price, delivering greater value to our clients.