Technical Support Outsourcing Company - FrontLogix

What services to outsource to reach your Goals

You want to start outsourcing some non-essential work, but you’re uncertain where to start

Different industries, different businesses, different goals, right?

Yes, BUT the one true goal of every business, no matter the industry, is revenue growth. Every business owner wants happy, returning customers, a return on investment, and an increasing market share. We can also add reducing employee turnover and increase satisfaction and productivity. Overall, improving company value, becoming a leader in the industry, and improving customer satisfaction. Quite a long list, right? And certainly not an easy one – especially if you’re just starting. Outsourcing some of your non-essential work will undoubtedly help you in the long run, no matter how big or small your goals are. This is an extensive guide on what to do and how to determine which services to outsource so you can focus on your primary business goals.

Woman discussing an outsource strategy plan, pointing on a whiteboard

Begin by developing an outsourcing strategy

Because outsourcing is a business investment, having a clear plan and implementing an outsourcing strategy is crucial. But what should an outsourcing strategy include?

  1. Outline the business goals about what services to outsource . It is critical to clearly outline the business goals you intend to achieve through outsourcing for a project to succeed.
  2. Set a project structure. It will help you manage the project and ensure that the outsourcing team will meet the requirements.
  3. Be specific. Make a clear and extensive list of tasks you’d like to outsource and how and when you’d like them completed.
  4. Carefully plan the budget. This will affect the timeline, the number of hires, and the technologies and equipment you’ll be able to use.
  5. Determine your preferred outsourcing model. You can either go with a project-based or dedicated team model. In the first case, you’ll have the entire project handled by the BPO partner you choose. While in the second case, you can select a team from the BPO partner to work only for you and report directly to you.
  6. Carefully select your BPO partner. Examine portfolios, previous work, customer feedback, and referrals – carefully. Ascertain that they have the required knowledge, technology, and infrastructure (including, but not limited to both hardware and software).
  7. Define clear processes, roles, and responsibilities. This will help the project run smoothly.
  8. Have clear and frequent communication. Starting with a kick-off meeting, weekly follow-up meetings, and monthly report meetings. Make sure you determine the right channel and communication flow. All of this will keep you up to date with the project status and progress.
  9. Measure the productivity, progress, and results. This will allow you to see how the project is progressing, and whether it will fulfill your goals.

What services to outsource easily?

You know that outsourcing some of your jobs will save time and energy. That way, you’ll be able to focus on your primary business objectives. But do you have a clear idea of what services to outsource efficiently?

Customer success management

Every company nowadays relies on positive client interactions, particularly favorable consumer feedback. Companies that deliver solutions using a SaaS mode benefit from customer interaction. The customer support manager (CSM) is your conduit to the customers. They ensure everything goes well after a purchase is made and smooth over any other customer-related friction, issues, and critical concerns.

Two girls looking at an outsourcing strategy document

Customer support & experience

Back office services

What services to outsource? All services like accounting and finance, billing support, research and development, and IT and software tech help desk can be outsourced. And this is especially recommended for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). It would make your life so much easier if you didn’t have to know everything about compliance standards connected to bookkeeping, tax regulations to follow, and internet security infrastructures. Leave all of it in the hands of dedicated professionals.

6 simple yet powerful strategies to improve customer retention

Can you remember the last time you re-engaged with your customers and tried to win them back?

These strategies will do exactly that and more.

Sales generation, management & support

Small enterprises usually don’t have big sales teams, often only having one person for the job. Sales management is one of the essential parts of running a company. You’ll never attain your profit goal if you’re not closing deals. Therefore, what services to outsource, such as outsourcing sales support will help you locate and nurture leads. It will help your business grow, make sure you are always speaking to potential customers, and allow you to focus on converting instead of administration!

“I believe in the power of outsourcing. In business, I look for economic castles protected by unbreachable moats.” Warrenn Buffet.

Human Resources

Recruiting is a long, complex, and time-consuming process. It requires developing job descriptions, hunting for suitable candidates, and endless rounds of interviews. All of this will not only cost you time and money but energy and focus as well. And having good HR managers in-house is quite expensive, too. All of this makes outsourcing human resources the smart choice and what services to outsource an easy choice.

Marketing, Research, and Development

Whether launching a new product, adding something to your marketing mix, or simply expanding to new markets, you’ll need thorough research on what services to outsource. You need to know the competitive environment, the product, the competition, and the entire industry. As a result, you’ll need hands-on research, development, and marketing expertise. However, if you lack the necessary knowledge, expertise, skillset, or people on board, this will be another challenge. Outsourcing all those operations is something to consider.

outsource team

The key takeaways

By now, you should have a good idea of what services to outsource to BPO professionals and how you can choose your best BPO partner. We at FrontLogix provide exceptional outsourcing services for all of your needs. We’re committed to delivering and developing a customer-centric business model that will boost customer satisfaction, improve revenue, and lower costs. We’ll work together to develop strategies that will increase customer loyalty. We will help you make the most of your customer data, create new customer experiences, and optimize your business processes. Contact us today to discuss your needs and which services to outsource.

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