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What is Customer Experience-as-a-Service (CXaaS)?

Customer Experience-as-a-Service (CXaaS) is a relatively new cloud-based customer experience solution. CXaaS provides a reliable, efficient approach to the overall customer experience that maintains flexibility for companies that use it. The CXaaS model is most commonly used for planning, curating, designing, developing, and implementing a wide range of activities related to all aspects of the customer experience.

Customer experience-as-a-service most often combines CX strategy, data integration, automation, and employee expertise to help design, develop, expand, and execute customer-centric efforts. CXaaS allows organizations to create and deliver their ideal customer experience with the speed customers demand and the efficiency businesses require at a reasonable cost.

As CXaaS operations are relatively new, they’re typically managed by a third-party partner on behalf of a brand.

Why is Customer Experience-as-a-service (CXaaS) important?

We already know the immense importance of a great customer experience. In today’s world, CX needs to be outstanding so that companies do not lose customers. Losing customers is not the only challenge. The unhappy customer will not only leave your company; they’ll be happy to tell the entire internet why.  They’ll speak negatively about your services, products, and brand to everyone, doing their best to taint your brand’s reputation.

Keeping customer frustration to a minimum and avoiding customer loss are just two reasons businesses should improve customer support, care, engagement, and overall experience.

Enhance the CX

Scaling up your CX efforts can be challenging. Many companies cannot get the desired results without external help. This is precisely why the best solution would be outsourcing the CX and CXaaS.

Outsourcing customer experience can mean significant savings. But the true benefit of CXaaS is being able to sift through massive data streams and extract insights from those numbers. All this data will help companies better understand their customers and evolve with them by building relationships and mapping out a customer journey.

To get the entire picture:

  • 83% of customers are more concerned with how call center agents treat them than with what they are trying to sell them
  • If they love a brand, 43% of customers would willingly purchase an inferior service or product
  • 73% of customers will gladly spend more money if they like the brand
A contact center agent with a headset, looking at the laptop she is holding

How Customer Experience-as-a-Service (CXaaS) works?

Customer or not, everyone enjoys feeling appreciated and acknowledged.  Providing a positive customer experience can save the company money and increase overall efficiency. CXaaS solutions can help businesses accomplish these goals. CXaaS enables companies to offer their customers the more personalized experiences they require. The CXaaS solutions are typically aligned with the business to implement the necessary improvements across all areas of the customer journey and improve the overall customer experience. At the same time, CXaaS allows companies to genuinely understand what their customers want and need from them.

CXaaS also enables companies to reimagine their customer experience as part of the digital transformation. It integrates applications that can hear and capture customers’ voices to find solutions for their current issues. Some services can use tools to fully automate the customer journey, capture customer tone of voice, welcome them, and record information to solve enquires.

The most-popular CXaaS tools

Customers today want to interact with businesses in new ways, complicating the CX equation further. The most widely used tools to provide customers with an all-round experience are:

  • AI-powered self-service apps and tools
  • Automated and personalized notifications across many different channels
  • Creative omnichannel experiences using all possible social media platforms and apps to provide seamless connection and an exceptional customer experience
  • Chatbot apps and text-to-speech solutions that offer instant and direct contact with CX agents

6 simple yet powerful strategies to improve customer retention

Can you remember the last time you re-engaged with your customers and tried to win them back?

These strategies will do exactly that and more.


Customers expect to be heard, appreciated, and acknowledged by their brands, and CXaaS is an ideal solution. It enables businesses to be more flexible in their approach to the overall customer experience while saving money and increasing overall efficiency.

Scaling up CX, on the other hand, can be a difficult task. Many businesses cannot achieve the desired results without outside assistance. This is where FrontLogix comes in. We offer outsourcing solutions that improve the customer experience. We have talented agents from all over the world working remotely in various time zones. Our goal is automated customer journeys and personalized interactions that delight your customers. Get a quote today.