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Customer support agents talking

Customer Advocacy Language in Customer Care

Somebody will contact you … (In an hour, in a day, or in a month?) 

You’ve called the wrong department. Dial again and choose the correct extension…

Customers are willing to sit through yet another ‘Opus No. 1’ orOnly Time‘ musical track only when facing tricky and urgent matters. That’s why, for simpler questions, we’ve got self-service and chatbots to help, without the hassle of waiting on hold. We expect a robotic response from a robot, but when contacting a human representative, we need them to understand us, plead on our behalf, and provide a solution to the best of their ability.

This is what Customer Advocacy is all about.

To communicate that care over the phone or live chat, the language used makes all the difference. This is where the concept of Customer Advocacy Language comes into play.

In this blog post, we will review what Customer Advocacy Language is, explain why it is important, and provide a list of nine best practices and useful specific phrases to use in your customer service.

What is Customer Advocacy Language?

Customer Advocacy Language is a set of communication strategies, soft skills, choice of language, tone and phrases that your customer-facing teams should incorporate to demonstrate a commitment to customer satisfaction.

Advocacy is defined as any act that endorses, supports, defends, speaks in favor of, or pleads on behalf of others. The focus of Customer Advocacy Language is on building a positive relationship with the customer and creating a sense of trust and reliability.

Why is Customer Advocacy Language important?

Over the phone, the lack of body language and visual cues makes tone and language vital for effective and clear communication.

Your customer service representatives are (literally) the voice of your company. Every word said is one that your customers will associate with your brand.

It’s essential to convey empathy and support the customers’ needs in every conversation. Words have the power to shape thought. Even a single misused word that doesn’t align with the customer’s mindset can give the impression of insensitivity.

Customer Advocacy Language in Customer Care: 9 best practices with examples

1. Use the power of personalization

“A person's name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” 
– Dale Carnegie.

Personalization through name mention

Addressing the customer by name establishes a bond in which you identify them as a named human being and more than just another ticket. When interacting with a new customer, politely ask for their name and use it throughout the conversation. For returning customers, consult your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to find their contact details. This will leave your customer feeling like their needs have been cared for by someone who truly understands them. 

However, make sure the name-mentioning doesn’t sound forced, scripted, or overdone. A good rule of thumb is to mention their name at the beginning and end of the conversation.  

The trick here is to strike the right balance between professional and personable. Avoid using overly friendly or informal language, as it can undermine your credibility and authority.

Personalization with a CRM tool

Use a CRM tool to take personalization to the next level. This software lets you organize relevant customer contact details, previous interaction with the service, frequent concerns, purchasing history and more ‒ displayed in a timeline layout. That way you can anticipate their query and needs based on previous interactions.

Personalized incentives

Instead of offering one-size-fits-all incentives, use the information you already have on your customer to reward them with personalized perks. VIP programs, loyalty points, personalized discounts, freebies, surprise gifts, exclusive events, and early access, are all examples of different incentive types.

Did you know: 71% of customers want companies to provide personalized experiences, and 76% are left frustrated when this does not happen. (McKinsey)

2. Use positive language

Working in support involves dealing with customers who are experiencing problems with your product or service, and you might experience some emotionally-charged scenarios. Your job is to provide effective solutions to customers’ problems while maintaining a positive and professional attitude.

This means using words and phrases that communicate positive connotations.

  Positive language examples:

Avoid negative action words such as ‘won’t’ and ‘can’t’ that sound dismissive. Instead, focus on what you can do.

Instead of “That item is not available” try replacing it with “That item is currently out of stock, but I’ll be able to pre-order it for you. Would you like me to go ahead with that?”

Or instead of, “This is the hard part,” say, “This is the interesting part.”

Try replacing ‘You’ statements with ‘I’ statements and probing questions instead. That way, you show initiative, care, and responsibility while working together on finding a solution.

Instead of “You should call another department,” you can say, “I can transfer you to the right department.”

Or “You haven’t fully charged the battery” can be replaced with a probing question: “Have you tried fully charging the battery?”

3. Avoid passive voice

There is no faster way to lose customers’ trust in your business than to use the passive voice to distance yourself from accountability. This is particularly true when responding to customer complaints, as it may appear that you are not acknowledging responsibility.

True, customer service agents may feel tempted to use the passive voice in hopes of avoiding becoming the target of a customer’s wrath. But, wrong word choice can only aggravate an already irritated customer.

Instead of “There is a payment issue…” use “I have found the source of the issue, the payment…”

Keep in mind that using the active voice communicates a more personal and casual tone. Passive voice appears deceptive, lacks clarity and directness, and can lead to misunderstandings by failing to clarify who did what.

4. Remove the “Us versus Them” dynamics

“Sorry, that is our policy” is possibly the most annoying customer service phrase.

Customers are already under the idea that they are interacting with a faceless business representative who is biased in favor of the company. By using inclusive language when dealing with customers, you eliminate the Us vs. Them dynamic.

Instead of saying, “Sorry, that is our policy,” consider going the extra mile. Instead, say “We are able to do [ABC] or [XYZ], does either of that sound good to you?”

This way, you are downplaying the negative and offering an option to choose from, which helps your customer feel in control of their choices.

5. Avoid politely masked passive-aggressive phrases

It’s best to steer clear of phrases that appear polite but are actually passive-aggressive. 

Instead of saying, “As you are no doubt aware, our return policy is…,” simply state the policy. The same goes for “just so you know…” and “for future reference…”

Replace “Correct me if I’m wrong…” and “Let me know if I misunderstood…” with “What I’m seeing here is [XYZ], correct?”

Practice being clear about what you want to say, without hiding behind overly polite or passive language.

6. Maintain a consistent tone throughout 

It is easy to unintentionally adopt a dismissive and closed-off tone when the customer is asking seemingly basic questions after a long conversation. However, it’s important to remember that even though representatives may deal with similar issues every day, each customer’s problem is unique and unfamiliar to them.

Try to keep a consistently warm and friendly tone throughout the entire conversation. For example, instead of asking, “Would that be all?” ‒ which may come across as cold or dismissive ‒ try asking, “Is there anything else I can do for you?”

This demonstrates your willingness to be of service and makes the other person feel valued and respected ‒ no matter how trivial their issue is.

Tip: If your service reps are receiving multiple support requests for the same issue, consider developing a business-specific knowledge base that includes frequently asked questions and their solutions.

7. Don’t waffle

Customers only want their problem resolved so they can get back to their day ‒ and you have other tickets in the queue. Use brief, clear statements without getting bogged down in too many details. Focus on addressing their issue while providing additional information only if needed.

However, when trying to keep things short and sweet, make sure you don’t accidentally come across as abrupt. Take the time to ensure you fully understand the issue and that the customer is satisfied with the solution. Even after you’ve resolved the problem, don’t forget to ask if they need help with anything else.

8. Don’t get too technical

“Recalibrate the sensors and do a hard reset…”

It’s important to remember that customers may not be as familiar with the product or technical details as the support representatives. That’s why they’re reaching out for help in the first place! To make things easier for them, try to use simple language that everyone can understand and avoid technical jargon.

9. Show empathy

The name says it all ‒ customer care representatives should represent care and plead on behalf of the customers. They should be the friendly faces you reach out to when you need help or have any concerns.

As a customer rep, it’s important to show empathy by acknowledging customers’ feelings. It’s as simple as saying “I understand how frustrating that must be for you” or “I would feel the same way in your situation.” This lets them know you’re listening and that their experience matters to you.

Advocate for your customers and they will become your brand advocates. 

Some quick Customer Service stats: 

89% of customers are more apt to make another purchase after a positive customer service experience (Salesforce).

78% of customers would continue doing business with a company following a negative experience – if the customer care was good (Salesforce).

93% of customers are more likely to make repeat purchases from businesses that provide outstanding customer service. (HubSpot).

83% of customers are more loyal to brands that react to and resolve their complaints (Khoros).

6 simple yet powerful strategies to improve customer retention

Can you remember the last time you re-engaged with your customers and tried to win them back?

These strategies will do exactly that and more.

At FrontLogix, we know that customers’ interactions with our agents play a critical role in shaping their overall opinion of your business.

Therefore, we have implemented a rigorous 6-stage recruitment process to vet our customer rep candidates thoroughly. We evaluate their verbal and written communication skills and look for individuals with a “service-oriented” attitude.

Developers working hard

Conversational AI and the Future of Customer Service

Here, we’ll explore the promise of Conversational AI and the future of customer service. Will AI replace human agents? The answers are nuanced.

On November 30, the public was first given access to ChatGPT. This conversational AI chatbot’s capabilities have raised many questions about the future of business operations and AI’s impact on the job market.

With investors betting big on AI, a question arises ‒ will AI chatbots be the panacea for all ills? How will Conversational AI affect the future of Customer Service? Will human agents become redundant?

The answers are nuanced. But one thing is certain, the future of customer service is poised for a significant transformation.

What is Conversational AI?

In simple terms, Conversational AI is a computer program that is trained to understand and generate human-like text. Think of it as a chatbot that can answer questions, hold conversations, write (quite funny) jokes, songs, children’s stories, and much more. When interacting with this AI system, you feel like you’re talking to a real person, even though it’s just a computer program.

The power of these programs lies in remembering context and their capability of correcting themselves when wrong. Next-gen Conversational AIs have a learning model that improves over time with user feedback, offering better responses with each interaction. So, the more users interact with it, the smarter it gets.

How is Conversational AI different from other chatbots?

The most advanced conversational AI system to date ‒ ChatGPT ‒ is a true jack-of-all-trades. It can compose music, code software, and write lyrics, emails, and blog posts, creating content directly in several languages.

What sets it apart from other AI language iterations is its use of a generative model. It predicts the next word in a sequence based on the words that came before it, resulting in more conversational interactions.

This chatbot can mimic writing styles, avoid specific interactions, and learn from your inquiries thanks to its dialogue format. In other words, it may refine responses following additional questions, admit mistakes, challenge faulty premises, and then store what it has learned for future use.

What characterizes ChatGPT is its ability to present complicated concepts in simple terms. Think of head-spinning topics such as the Higgs boson. A simple Google search will give you a plethora of information, but you won’t understand much of it unless you are a particle physicist.

ChatGPT can simplify complex subjects into digestible chunks of information that the rest of us can understand ‒ even a 10-year-old.

ChatGPT Higgs boson
ChatGPT explains Higgs boson to a 10-year-old

Conversational AI and the future of Customer Service

The future of AI in Customer Service

Conversational AI engines learn from the information they index. In the case of today’s most advanced conversational AI, ChatGPT, that is the database of internet knowledge and validated data sets.

That’s why ChatGPT can answer questions about everything that can be found online. However, this also makes it susceptible to biased responses, as the internet is flooded with biased opinions. The program is only as good as the data it is fed.

But when these types of AI-powered chatbots are fed with refined, validated, industry-specific content from deep databases, they can then build supreme knowledge based on that source – and deliver it conversationally to customers.

Generative AI will offer the most compelling use case for contact centers, as other bot platforms tend to be more scripted and less creative.

How can Conversational AI be implemented in Customer Service?

Conversational AI applications can be easily integrated with industry-specific knowledge bases through their API. Merging this organized information repository with AI-powered natural language processing chatbots will grant customers instant access to accurate self-service experiences that feel human-like.

Why chatbots will not replace human agents

Unquestionably, these next-gen chatbots will have an immediate impact on a number of jobs, including data entry and processing, basic programming, and simple customer support roles. Still, these jobs won’t entirely disappear but pivot into a new direction.

Indeed, generative AI will put a jetpack on customer service efficiency and step into the shoes of clunky, rule-based chatbots. However, it won’t replace human agents. Why? Below are four reasons supported by survey data.

1. Customers believe that businesses have lost touch with the human element of CX

2. Customers place twice as much importance on friendly agents as on low wait times

3. People are not comfortable with chatbots resolving their conflicts or trusting them with payments

4. Technology can often be impersonal and frustrating

While AI-powered customer service is efficient, it lacks the emotional intelligence that comes with human interaction, particularly when dealing with complex or emotionally charged situations. Have you ever yelled at your phone’s automated message while trying to reach a live person at a call center?

A growing body of research shows that if customers have some say in the matter, it's unlikely that chatbots will eliminate the need for human reps any time soon. 

6 simple yet powerful strategies to improve customer retention

Can you remember the last time you re-engaged with your customers and tried to win them back?

These strategies will do exactly that and more.

        In summary

        Through their integration with industry-specific knowledge bases, conversational AI-powered chatbots have the potential to usher in a new era of customer service.

        While next-generation AI will most certainly be the end of clunky chatbots, it will not replace human agents any time soon. Study shows that a personal connection still plays a major role in the Customer Experience.

        All in all, Conversational AI chatbots offer a promising future in the field of customer service. It is up to businesses to explore the benefits of this technology while striking a balance with human connection to gain customer loyalty.

          WFM in call and contact centers

          Customer Success Management (CSM): What you need to know

          In this blog post, we’ll explore what is CSM, what are the 5 fundamental principles of CSM, the role of a Customer Success Manager, and how to measure the success of the CSM program.

          First introduced by tech companies, Customer Success Management (CSM) finds its way (and rightly so) into every customer-centered business. Businesses of all sizes have embraced CSM in an attempt to increase retention, revenue, and Customer Lifetime Value.

          Let’s start from the top.

          What is CSM, exactly?

          Customer Success Management (CSM) is the practice of managing customer relationships to maximize customer satisfaction and the value they get from a product or service.

          The goal of CSM is to take proactive actions to reduce problems customers may experience with a brand – which helps increase customer loyalty and improve a company’s bottom line. It involves a variety of activities and processes, including onboarding, training, guidance, customer support, and customer feedback.

          The 5 fundamental principles of CSM

          Below are the five pillars of customer success management that you should know:

          1. Focus on the customer: Creating a customer-focused culture and ensuring that you tailor each interaction with customers to meet their individual needs.
          2. Proactive engagement: CSM involves proactively reaching out to customers to understand their needs and help them achieve their goals.
          3. Collaboration: Customer success management involves collaboration between the customer, Customer Success Managers, and other teams within the company, such as product development and sales.
          4. Monitoring and measuring success: Measuring success through regularly monitoring key metrics will help identify areas where customers may be struggling.
          5. Continuous improvement: CSM should be seen as an ongoing process rather than a one-time project. This includes continuously measuring performance indicators such as retention rates and satisfaction scores.
          A woman presenting and writing on a whiteboard with four attentive female colleagues listening in an office environment.

          How does a Customer Success Manager (CSM) role fit in?

          The role of a Customer Success Manager is to ensure the implementation of  CSM practices. They act as the customers’ voice, cultivating strong customer relationships, and demonstrating that they have their best interests at heart.

          Aside from good soft skills, Customer Success Managers must have a strong understanding of the product or service they are selling in order to provide knowledgeable support when needed.

            Think of CS Managers as a combination of white-glove support and sales experts. 

            Customer Success Manager roles and responsibilities:

            • Onboarding of new customers, which includes educating the customer about the product’s features and functionality, defining specific goals, and providing customers with everything they need to be successful and complete those goals.
            • Providing support and guidance to customers to help them get the most value out of the company’s products or services.
            • Responding to customer inquiries and concerns in a timely and professional manner.
            • Identifying and addressing potential issues that may impact customer satisfaction.
            • Upselling and cross-selling the product.
            • Collaborating with other teams within the company to resolve customer issues and identify opportunities for improvement.
            • Analyzing customer data to identify trends and opportunities for improvement.
            • Developing and implementing customer success plans and programs.
            • Acting as the Voice of the Customer and fostering solid relationships with customers.
            • Collecting feedback and reporting on the effectiveness of customer success initiatives.
            • Building and maintaining solid relationships with customers to encourage loyalty and retention.

            Customer Success Manager traits:

            • Can sympathize with customers and prioritize their needs while establishing long-term ties that go beyond simple rapport.
            • Is adaptable to changing customer needs and expectations, and able to identify and implement solutions quickly.
            • Possesses customer-facing experience, especially in support or sales.
            • Has a thorough understanding of the product, its value, and the results it produces.
            • A proactive and strategic thinker that anticipates future trends.
            • Great leadership, analytical acumen, and problem-solving skills.
            • Strong communication, organizational analysis, and solution focus.
            • Ability to handle stress.

            Measuring the success of your CSM Program

            One way to measure the effectiveness of the CSM program is to track key metrics such as:

            • Customer Effort Score (CES) measures how much effort is put in by customers to interact with the business.
            • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) calculates a customer’s total worth to your organization over the course of their relationship with you.
            • Engagement Rate measures the level of interaction and engagement of a group of people with a particular product, service, or organization.
            • Retention Rate measures how many customers continue to use a product, service, or organization over a certain period of time.
            • Net Renewal Rate measures how many customers renew their use of a product, service, or organization over a certain period of time.
            • Customer Health Score reflects the overall well-being of a company’s customer base. It is often used to identify customers who may be at risk of churning or stopping their use of a company’s products or services.
            • Customer Satisfaction Score measures how satisfied customers are with a company’s products or services. It is typically calculated using customer feedback, which can be gathered through surveys, interviews, or other forms of customer research.
            • Expansion Revenue is the additional revenue generated by existing customers as they increase their use of a company’s products or services.
            • Onboarding Engagement Rate measures the level of interaction and engagement of new customers or users with a product, service, or organization during the onboarding process.
            • Daily Active Users (DAU) and Monthly Active Users (MAU) measure the percentage of a company’s user base that is active daily and monthly.

            Depending on the goals of the customer success program and the specific needs of the organization, there might be other, more relevant metrics to be tracked. To evaluate the effectiveness of the program, carefully choose the essential metrics and track them over time.

            How FrontLogix can help

            Do you require the services of an experienced Customer Success Manager?

            FrontLogix is a BPO specializing in customer experience (CX) and can assist you with skilled Customer Success Managers to track specific customer KPIs. Above all, we sincerely care about keeping your current subscriber base, exceeding their expectations, and adding additional delighted consumers.

            IT Support Specialist Discussing - FrontLogix

            Omnichannel vs. Multichannel Customer Interactions

            Probably the most truthful adage today is that just about anything is only a few clicks away. A new pair of Air Maxes? Click. Feeling like Thai food tonight? Click. That customer support agent wasn’t helpful? Click and unsubscribe. After all, why should they stay loyal to a business when there are tons of others that can provide them with the products and experiences they seek?

            Today’s society has evolved into a digitally omnipresent system, with tons of information and options available at our fingertips. Convenience and instant gratification have become the cornerstones of customer expectations.

            No matter whether your business is looking for a purchase, sign-up, or booking, 80% of customers say the experience a company provides is just as necessary as its products or services (source). In order to improve user experience and foster long-term relationships, understanding customer communication touchpoints is crucial.

            What is a Multichannel Interaction?

            Multichannel interaction means customers interact with a business through multiple direct and indirect communication channels – websites, applications, email, social media, etc., as opposed to a single-channel interaction.

            Why should you adopt (at least) a Multichannel Approach?

            As today’s customers spend more time on product/service research and have more options to choose from, they have much more control over the buying process than marketers do. Thanks to the rapid increase of available channels, customers are now everywhere. And so are your competitors. If that is not a good enough reason, consider this: customers who use multiple channels spend three to four times more than single-channel customers.

            call center agents working multichannel

            What is Omnichannel and why is it better than a Multichannel Approach?

            As discussed in the Next-Generation CX & Omnichannel Support blog post,  the omnichannel approach, just like its multichannel counterpart, involves a variety of channels. The key difference between the two is the focal point of the marketing strategy. Omnichannel revolves around the customer and their experience, while multichannel is centered around placing the product or service in front of as many customers as possible. With a multichannel approach, although the customer interacts with a brand on several channels, those interactions are siloed – every channel operates independently, without interconnectivity or data sharing with others.

            With the omnichannel experience, the interactions from various channels are integrated into a single experience – so when your customer abandons a cart on a shopping platform, they see an ad for that item on social media. And they can seamlessly continue the conversation with customer support from an app to email, from chat to phone call, without having to explain their issue from the start.

            With an omnichannel approach, the customer is truly king. Putting them in the driver’s seat can serve as a brand differentiator, resulting in increased customer trust and better user experience. The advantages of centralized data, cohesive brand strategy, improved inventory turnover, and increased agent productivity lead to increased revenue.

            6 simple yet powerful strategies to improve customer retention

            Can you remember the last time you re-engaged with your customers and tried to win them back?

            These strategies will do exactly that and more.


            To stay on top, your business should be everywhere your customers are. And since customer experience is extremely valuable to any business or organization, it should always be a priority. With this in mind, an omnichannel approach consistently outperforms a simple multichannel approach, giving customers more autonomy and making your operations more efficient and informed.

            Personalized Customer Service - FrontLogix

            What are Liquid Customer Service Expectations, and how to meet them?

            What are liquid customer service expectations?

            Long gone are the days when “Great Expectations” was just a Charles Dickens novel.

            In the past, competition in business was primarily defined by companies selling products or services directly comparable to yours. However, the landscape is changing. Now, it’s about how well businesses are meeting or exceeding customer expectations, shaped significantly by their interactions across various sectors.

            Today’s customer service expectations are influenced not just by direct competitors, but also by experiences with companies from entirely different industries. Tech giants like Apple, Airbnb, Uber, and others have redefined what an excellent customer experience looks like. They’ve set a new standard not just within their own industries but across all business sectors, introducing us to the concept of experiential competitors.

            Let’s delve into the liquid customer expectations definition: This concept implies that customers’ expectations are fluid and extend beyond industry boundaries.

            For example, a guest may expect the check-in process at a local hotel to be as seamless as their experience at a major airport like LAX. If a business fails to deliver an efficient, hassle-free experience, customers may associate that negative experience with the brand, impacting their perception and loyalty.

            In essence, businesses today are competing in a field where exceeding customer expectations is vital, irrespective of the industry.

            The definition of customer expectations has broadened, encompassing the best experiences customers have had anywhere. For any company looking to stay competitive, it’s crucial to understand this shift and strive to create customer experiences that are not just good for the industry—but are outstanding on a global standard.

            well-trained and knowledgeable call agents

            Mastering Liquid Expectations: A Guide to Exceeding Customer Expectations

            Self-service and AI-assisted support:

            Meeting and even exceeding customer expectations often starts with self-service and AI-assisted support. Customers generally believe that finding solutions themselves is quicker than contacting customer service. However, this can lead to frustration if self-service options are not up to par. According to a Nuance study, 58% of customers cannot resolve their issues through self-service.

            Investing in agent expertise:

            When it comes to customer expectations,, the competence of your agents is a key factor. If self-service tools don’t cut it, customers expect your agents to effectively step in. The ability of agents to resolve issues efficiently plays a huge role in exceeding customer expectations. Training your agents well is not just an operational expense; it’s an investment in meeting customer service expectations.

            Human-to-human connection:

            Despite the advancements in AI and automation, they can’t fully replicate the impact of a genuine human interaction. In many cases, customer expectations include the desire for empathy and understanding that only human agents can provide. This human-to-human connection is vital in building trust.


            A Stella Connect survey shows that response time matters most when it comes to customer service. Consider investing in agent tools and training that resolve customer issues quickly and efficiently and keep customer effort scores low.

            Adopt an omnichannel customer experience:

            Omnichannel support provides a seamless journey and offers a unified experience to each customer. Every customer service channel is linked, data is centralized, responses are streamlined, and customer effort is reduced.

            6 simple yet powerful strategies to improve customer retention

            Can you remember the last time you re-engaged with your customers and tried to win them back?

            These strategies will do exactly that and more.


            At the end of the day, your customer is comparing the experience you deliver with all other service organizations they interact with, not just your industry competitors. Investing in your agents and technology is your best step toward meeting customers’ liquid expectations. How do you compare with today’s tech pioneers?

            Frontlogix provides intelligent, trained, and equipped representatives alongside automation solutions to pick up the conversation at any point. We’ll also help provide an in-depth analysis of your customer’s decision-making process. Together,  we’ll understand their choices and suggest ways to optimize and improve to meet their needs better. Get in touch.

            Happy customer

            Next-Generation CX: Rethinking, Reshaping, and Putting the Customer at the Center

            The truth is – Millennials and Generation Z are constantly bombarded with marketing messages. They have more options than ever before, and slowly but steadily, traditional marketing methods are dying off.

            Brand loyalty, defined by how customers value their interactions and experience with a brand, trumps brand marketing.

            This calls for a shift in how the customer journey is perceived. The key here is to look at the digital strategy through the lens of customer experience. Customers expect businesses to understand their individual tastes and preferences and interact with them as individuals. A personalized customer experience delivers tailored offers, products, and messages to each individual. Companies should focus their efforts on end-to-end customer journeys that are powered digitally but driven personally.

            The reshaped future starts with a shift to digital-first, customer-centered engagement while reimagining the roles of customer care agents.

            Two males laughing at a co-working space

            When it comes to digitalization, AI has proven its worth throughout the customer journey, enabling proactive self-service in the form of chatbots, voice assistants, extended reality, etc. AI tools are also essential for gathering data, analyzing sentiment, and identifying patterns and trends in how customers interact with a company.

            But, don’t fully digitalize the customer service just yet.

            While AI-enhanced self-service can handle simple, repetitive tasks, human agents are still essential for more complex issues.  Human agents understand compassion and can show empathy in resolving problems and handling complaints. According to a PwC study, 59 % of all consumers believe businesses have lost touch with the human element of Customer Experience.

            In addition to modernizing tools, organizations can successfully humanize engagement by demonstrating flexibility and understanding. We are witnessing a reshaping of customer service practices in companies with high customer satisfaction rates. They are adopting a more adaptable approach in the way they assist their customers. According to Salesforce, 83% of agents at these high-performing companies have received training on how to be empathetic with customers, tossing aside the dated, unengaging, scripted approach. 88% say they have clear guidelines for changing their approach with customers, and 86% say management encourages them to be flexible  – numbers nearly double that of agents from underperforming companies.

            Although customer satisfaction is still THE most important KPI tracked by leading companies, a relatively new success metric — customer effort — is now climbing the list. It measures the amount of time and number of steps customers take to find an answer or solution.

            Reduced customer effort leads to higher customer satisfaction. According to statistics, measuring the ease of use of a business’s product or service is a better criterion for measuring customer loyalty than directly measuring the Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT).

            As discussed in the Next-Gen Customer Service blog post , modern contact centers support a variety of digital channels. Yet, most of them lack the ability to provide a non-siloed, seamless journey over multiple digital touchpoints. A unified omnichannel experience reduces customer effort, increasing customer satisfaction, and loyalty.

            6 simple yet powerful strategies to improve customer retention

            Can you remember the last time you re-engaged with your customers and tried to win them back?

            These strategies will do exactly that and more.

            Reshape next-gen CX by providing a truly omnichannel experience. Offer AI-enhanced self-service combined with human agents’ flexibility and empathy can reduce customer effort and lead to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. FrontLogix is committed to being a thought leader in this space and delivering relevant, personalized solutions so our clients can implement the next-gen customer experience they deserve. Get in touch.

            white-glove customer

            What is the white-glove customer experience and how to deliver it effectively and exceptionally?

            As we’ve said before, just providing customer support is not even close to being enough. Every business today needs to go above and beyond to meet and exceed customer expectations before they start to expect them. This is where white-glove customer experience comes in.

            The “white-glove” meaning

            The term “white-glove” originated as a literal interpretation – some service providers, such as restaurant waiters, movers, or shippers, wore white gloves to either protect the product or demonstrate the care and special attention customers were receiving.

            The image brings to mind the gloves worn by English butlers, who provide the most sophisticated level of personal and respectful attention. And what was once a butler-related item evolved into an expectation of receiving exceptional care and attention and a delightful experience that keeps customers returning for more.

            white-glove customer experience

            White-glove customer experience and service

            White-glove service has been used in a variety of contexts over the years,  including delivering luxurious and expensive products to customers’ homes, providing top-to-bottom premium services, or doing whatever it takes to impress valuable VIP customers.

            Today, white-glove service provides an exceptional and premium experience to all customers on an equal basis. Exceeding clients’ expectations means prioritizing their needs, personalizing their experience, genuinely caring about their happiness and satisfaction, and resolving problems before they arise.

            This way, they will enjoy the best that your company has to offer, which will ultimately make them loyal to your brand and business and provide crucial word-of-mouth about your company and the services you provide.

            How to provide a white-glove experience?

            Listen to your customers and collect their feedback

            It’s crucial to deeply understand how (and how well) you serve your customers. Listen to everything they have to say and collect their feedback about every aspect of your business. Their thoughts, suggestions, and complaints will help you understand if you meet or exceed your customers’ expectations or where you’re lacking. Here you can read more about how you can measure your customer’s experience and what you should leverage to collect your customer’s feedback to provide customer loyalty and satisfaction.

            Determine where you have room for improvement

            NPS (Net Promoter Score), CSAT (Customer Satisfaction), and CES (Customer Effort Score) are essential metrics for understanding your customer satisfaction. The results should help you determine whether your customer service and experience are poor, sound, or exceptional. This will help you know where you have room for improvement and provide better experiences.

            Personalize customer experience throughout the entire customer journey

            Personalization strategies should be at the top of the list if you aim to provide white-glove customer experience and service. It makes your customers feel you know them and consider them family. Personalization also gives customers the impression that you serve them specifically with the special attention they desire. Customers want to believe that every interaction they have with your company is tailored and created specifically for them. Listening to and collecting feedback is the only way to accomplish this.

            Want to elevate your customer service to the next level?

            We’ve created an exclusive ultimate guide on how to provide a white-glove customer experience that includes:

            ✔️ The history of white-glove service

            ✔️ The white-glove experience today

            ✔️ Why white-glove CX is not the norm

            ✔️ Five white-glove service tips

            Precision, expediency, concentration & commitment to meeting customer’s needs

            When thinking of white-glove customer experience and service, think of a premium, effortless experience that completely satisfies the customer. Long wait times on hold, taking a long time to resolve an issue, or sloppy solutions without care and commitment are all examples of poor customer experiences that you should avoid. Instead,  train your team to deliver precise, expeditious, focused, and committed solutions. Pay close attention to the chat/call/ticket volume, first contact resolution, average response time, average resolution time, number of tickets reopened, average handle time, customer satisfaction, automation, and, most importantly, omnichannel experience.

            Hire a professional to help you out

            It is not uncommon for a company to be unable to meet all its customer expectations and provide white-glove customer experience, service, and treatment. This is acceptable as long as you are willing to take the necessary steps to get there (reminder: we have some more tips here!)

            Fortunately, FrontLogix provides exceptional white-glove customer service and experience. We treat each of our clients with respect and care, learn about their company’s culture and core values, and gain a thorough understanding of the market and industry in which they operate. Simultaneously, we get to know everything we can about their customers to personalize their experience and provide the ultimate white glove service.

            Reach out to us today and transform your ‘good enough’ customer experience into an exceptional, white-glove service that sets you apart.