FrontLogix | Beyond Customer Care

Customer Experience

Warm and attentive call center rep wearing a headset.

How Workforce Management Drives Agent Experience

“Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients“. 

Richard Branson, the founder of The Virgin Group

    As discussed in the Employee Experience is the New Customer Experience post, one thing is clear: The best way to ensure a great customer experience is to create a great employee experience.

    This is especially true when employees have direct contact with customers, such as customer service representatives.

    But a call center agent’s job is not easy.

    Besides handling customer complaints and dealing with rude customers, and often working at strange hours, which are common issues in customer support roles, there’s another topic that’s not talked about as much: How technology trends impact the experience of the agents.

    Professional in headset ready to assist with customer inquiries.

    The Consequences of Neglecting Agent Training in Technology Integration

    With technology’s ongoing development, businesses increasingly rely on modern tools to enhance the customer experience. However, those who interact with customers on a daily basis – agents – are often overlooked in the process. Agents are expected to quickly learn new technology to address better customer needs, which can actually lead to increased complexity and stress. Integrating these new systems can be challenging, and many agents report that it negatively impacts their performance, through:

    • Disconnected back-end systems
    • Frequent app switching
    • Unnecessary, redundant systems
    • Clunky user interfaces
    • Inadequate training

    Unfortunately, companies often assume that agents will simply adapt to new demands without the proper training and support. This lack of investment can ultimately lead to high turnover rates and decreased productivity. 

    That is where Workforce Management steps in.

    How Workforce Management impacts Contact Center and Customer Success

    When you are overstaffed, you are wasting money. But when you’re understaffed, your employees are overworked, provide poorer customer experiences and might ultimately leave.

    Staffing the right people at the right time is crucial, but it is easier said than done.

    Workforce Management Systems acts as an intelligent planner for a contact center, ensuring it operates seamlessly and efficiently. It balances the two objectives: promptly addressing customer needs while evenly distributing tasks among agents, therefore ensuring the center meets its service goals.

    However, the tool’s effectiveness isn’t just about its features; it’s about how it’s utilized.

    While the WFM tool itself is valuable, it’s the WFM specialist’s knowledge and expertise that unlock its full potential. They ensure the tool is set up correctly, integrated seamlessly with other systems, and can adjust to the company’s evolving needs.

    Here’s a breakdown of the integral components of workforce management:

    Setup and Configuration take into consideration the setup of the WFM solution configuration of teams, agents, skills/queues in the WFM solution, any needed reminders/tasks/exceptions, as well as manual imports if and where needed.

    Forecasting involves short-term forecasts of volumes across queues/skills/teams, based on established configurations.

    Scheduling involves the creation of employee schedules based on preferences, availability and organizational requirements.

    Capacity Planning involves estimating the staffing needs based on work volume, considering Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs) and hours, including any shrinkages or expected absenteeism. Typically, this planning spans an entire calendar year or the remainder of it, broken down into weekly segments.

    (RTA) Real-Time Adherence involves a WFM specialist monitoring agents’ adherence to their designated schedules. If an agent deviates from their set schedule, the WFM specialist communicates with Team Managers, Supervisors, or directly with the agent.

    Skill and Competency Mapping involves evaluating agents’ abilities to handle phone calls, emails, and chats, detailing the types of calls they can manage and the specific queues they operate in, and categorizing agents into respective teams.

    Compliance Tracking involves regularly reviewing policies and procedures, including scheduling practices, monitoring staffing levels, and ensuring employee breaks for optimal customer service.

    Management Analytics includes analyzing data and historical trends across various key indicators.

    Comprehensive Reporting encompasses extracting and analyzing information and providing detailed reports.

    Staffing Gap Analysis involves analyzing the difference between the required hours or FTEs needed to complete the incoming work against available resources.

    Creating Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and configuring reports and dashboards that provide valuable insights into individual and team performance is essential for evaluation and future improvement. By collecting and analyzing data, specialists can identify trends and patterns in customer behavior, which is crucial for informed decision-making regarding staffing and strategic planning.

    Systems Integration takes into consideration the setup of the WFM solution (configuration of teams, agents, skills/queues in the WFM solution, any needed reminders/tasks/exceptions, and manual imports if and where needed).

    6 simple yet powerful strategies to improve customer retention

    Can you remember the last time you re-engaged with your customers and tried to win them back?

    These strategies will do exactly that and more.

    FrontLogix helps companies with every aspect of a WFM program, from strategic advice on choosing the best WFM solution for their needs to labor forecasting and scheduling, the development of scheduling rules, identification and implementation of best practices, and providing access to tactical WFM knowledge whenever necessary.
    We provide highly skilled on-demand management expertise integrated with your WFM solution based on our 20+ years of workforce management experience.

    Get in touch today.

    Customer support agent conversing using a headset

    Superior Customer Experiences: 7 Proven Strategies to Improve CX

    In this post, we’ll delve into why some companies still haven’t placed CX at the top of their priorities and provide seven (proven) strategies to improve CX.

    But first things first:

    What is Customer Experience (CX)

    Customer Experience (CX) = customer’s overall perception of a brand.

    CX is the sum of all of a customer’s experiences, acquired at each stage of their customer journey – beginning with the identification of a need and ending with choosing a service or product to meet it.

    The advancement of digital technologies has had a significant impact on customer expectations. Over the last decade, technology pioneers offering novel services and disruptive solutions have significantly raised the bar for customer expectations. Products are no longer the primary differentiator for today’s customers – the experience a brand provides is. The latest research shows that the perceived quality of the experience is the most critical factor in influencing whether a customer makes a purchase.

    As a result, businesses are no longer only competing against other businesses that offer products or services similar to theirs. They also compete with brands that provide exceptional customer experience.

    Today’s customers are no longer buying a product or service. They are buying an experience.

    Ensuring a positive experience with the business at every stage of the customer journey can drive long-term customer satisfaction, retention, brand loyalty, and advocacy.  

    And the payoff for great experiences is substantial. According to a PWC study, there is a direct relationship between customer experience and increased revenue. They discovered that customer satisfaction can be quantified, as 86% of buyers claimed they are willing to pay more for valuable experiences, with a price premium of up to 16% on items and services.

    Why CX is not a priority for some companies

    Given the significant benefits of improved CX, why aren’t more companies putting CX at the top of their priority list?

    The answer can be found in one (or all) of the following reasons:

    • It is costly
    • They lack the necessary expertise
    • They lack the necessary technology
    • They are focusing on their core competencies

    These are all fair arguments for putting CX on the back burner, but each of them has one easy and common solution: partner with a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) company to manage all of your customer interactions and communications.

    Outsourcing to a BPO partner can improve both your bottom line and your CX at the same time. BPOs provide workforce flexibility, cost savings through labor arbitrage, and access to technology otherwise not accessible in-house. Another reason to outsource is that BPO providers often have substantial knowledge and experience in the fields in which they deliver services. They can give a higher level of quality and efficiency than your company could accomplish internally.

    FrontLogix is here to help you develop customer loyalty strategies, make the most of your customer data, create new customer experiences, and streamline your business procedures. We provide a next-generation customer experience to strengthen customer relationships and boost Customer Lifetime Value.

    Looking to transform your CX? Let’s talk!

    Contact Center Agents at Work

    How to improve CX: seven things to implement

    Below, we list seven areas of improvement for a better customer experience.

    1. Redesigning customer journeys around CX

    The customer journey is more than just a sum of individual touchpoints. You won’t reap the full rewards of your development efforts if you concentrate on improving individual interactions. Make sure that you treat the customer experience as a journey spanning several touchpoints and make use of all available channels.

    Start by mapping out the journey for each type of customer. Bear in mind that customers will navigate your website for different reasons ‒ some of them will browse your products, while others will want to learn more about what you do or download your assets. Also, different customers prefer different methods of communication. Level up your CX by offering various methods of contact, such as live chat, email, and in-person customer service.

    FrontLogix can assist you in improving your customer experiences at each touchpoint by mapping the customer journey,  helping you determine your pain points, identifying your ideal customer, and offering preferable solutions.

    2.  Assessing real CX sentiment by listening and collecting feedback

    The second step is to conduct visitor testing on your digital channels and solicit feedback on your customer service. Customer suggestions, ideas, and complaints will help you identify areas for improvement and create better experiences. Surveys like the NPS (Net Promoter Score), CSAT (Customer Satisfaction), and CES (Customer Effort Score) can help you gauge customer satisfaction with your brand. The results of these surveys will demonstrate whether you provide poor, good, or excellent customer service. If you want to improve your CX, you must first understand how well you serve your customers.

    FrontLogix provides expert Customer Success Managers (CSMs) to monitor your key success metrics. We will assist you in maintaining your subscriber base, monitoring important customer KPIs, and determining the likelihood of churn. Industry professionals will measure the net promoter score (NPS), customer effort score (CES), and customer satisfaction (CSAT) in addition to other metrics such as platform usage and engagement.

    3. Omnichannel Personalization

    Omnichannel personalization refers to the integration of marketing, sales, and communication channels into a single customer database. So, when customers interact with a brand on one platform and then choose to continue on another, they will be able to pick up where they left off. 

    Customers want brands to understand them and provide personalized solutions to their problems. Your customers are now everywhere, thanks to the rapid expansion of available communications channels. However, simply being present on all channels is not enough. To deliver a truly exceptional  CX, all of these channels should be integrated and share customer data, allowing marketers to personalize each message, product suggestion, and experience based on the unique profile of each customer.

    Here’s where omnichannel personalization comes in.

    With omnichannel personalization, customers may browse for an item on an app and finalize the purchase on a desktop computer. And after completing the purchase on the app, they won’t be receiving the same product suggestion when browsing on the website. Subsequently, if a buyer abandons an item in their shopping cart on one platform, they will see an advertisement for the same item on another. 

    An omnichannel strategy also offers many communication channels, which boosts customer service efficiency. The customer service agent can instantly refer to a customer’s prior purchases and interactions with customer services – reducing customer effort across interactions.

    The omnichannel approach also offers additional flexibility. As a result of the back-end integration of channels, customers can seamlessly switch in the middle of an interaction.

    What customers want is friction-free communication and personalized solutions, which is exactly what the omnichannel experience offers. 

    FrontLogix will assist you in achieving seamless omnichannel engagements via voice, text, email, messaging, or video. Our agents are highly trained in multi-channel communication, resulting in faster responses, higher rates of first query resolution, and happier customers.

    4. Implementing self-service and AI

    While some customers will turn to agent assistance, others prefer the freedom of self-service. Self-service is an approach in which customers access resources to solve problems on their own. Empower them with self-service tools such as FAQ knowledge bases, AI chatbots, how-to video tutorials, and optimized IVR platforms.

    Successfully implemented self-service pays for itself twofold. It not only improves the customer experience and satisfaction score, but it also boosts revenue. By enabling your customers to solve their problems, you will considerably minimize customer care call volume and the quantity of support needed. 

    Keep in mind that not every self-service solution is helpful. Complicated technologies and poorly configured chatbots that trap customers in endless loops can only contribute to increased dissatisfaction. While rule-based chatbots are limited to simple, linear conversations, next-generation AI may gauge the customer’s sentiment and communicate more naturally using Natural Language Processing (NLP). Continue investing in virtual assistance and chatbot technology, and make ongoing improvements to the website’s content findability.

    5. Preserving the human touch

    When it comes to driving customer happiness (which can lead to more sales and improved loyalty),  human connection outperforms operational metrics. In addition, the drive to ruthless operational efficiency has left many organizations vulnerable to customer attrition.

    Although chatbots can resolve simple queries in seconds, they lack an agent’s empathy and problem-solving abilities. The ideal CX strikes a fine balance between human and digital.

    With AI resolving simple requests, agents are left with more complex issues to handle. That necessitates well-trained and knowledgeable agents, capable of first-call query resolution.

    To satisfy the full range of customer expectations, next-generation customer service requires ongoing investments in agent training and technology, as well as a successful marriage of the two.

    Digitally powered but personally driven, FrontLogix is a firm believer that humans help humans best. Our educated and highly trained human support professionals are well-equipped with cutting-edge automated solutions to ensure that help is provided quickly, efficiently, and at no additional expense.
    Get a quote.

    6. Offering customer support 24/7

    Customers want you to respond to their problems at all hours, including holidays and weekends. Outsourcing work to BPOs in different time zones allows you to be always online, allowing your organization to provide customer support around the clock, 365 days a year.

    FrontLogix can coach your staff on how to deliver a meaningful CX. Our CX Specialists will learn everything about your company, products, customers, competitors, strengths, and challenges, and pass that knowledge on to customer service reps.

    FrontLogix services include:

    • Seamless multichannel digital customer support
    • General CX optimization
    • Customer success management
    • Technical support
    • Sales and lead generation
    • Customer acquisition
    • Back-office support
    • Billing support
    • Workforce managed services

      With our core business being delighting customers, FrontLogix invests extensively in agent training. After being screened through a 6-stage process for language and communication skills, candidates are trained on proper etiquette, current technology, single-call resolution for inbound and outbound calls, and the specifics of each client’s product or service. 

      7. Optimizing workforce with Workforce Management (WFM)

      Workforce management (WFM) plays a significant role in running a contact center, with WFM teams handling a variety of tasks to optimize staffing levels.

      WFM can help you manage every part of your employee’s tasks. It plays a significant role in enhancing operational efficiency, from tracking time and attendance to distributing work, scheduling shifts, budgeting, and forecasting demand.

      WFM is critical to attaining optimal business, customer, and agent outcomes. As a result, most CCaaS solutions incorporate a WFM module, and expert workforce managers are in high demand.

      FrontLogix provides  24/7 access to a team of WFM experts, industry veterans, and integration specialists.

      FrontLogix’s WFM-managed services include:

      • Strategic WFM support and consultation
      • Precise data integration with your WFM system
      • Help in labor forecasting and scheduling 
      • Optimization of workforce resources 
      • Cost-effective access to skilled and experienced WFM resources 
      • Comprehensive reporting
      • Management analytics
      • Efficiency enhancement
      • Cost management improvements 
      • Performance monitoring 

      6 simple yet powerful strategies to improve customer retention

      Can you remember the last time you re-engaged with your customers and tried to win them back?

      These strategies will do exactly that and more.

      The bottom line…

      No matter what industry you’re in, providing a high-quality CX could drastically improve your customer loyalty and retention, leading to more sales and increased profits.

      Customers today have the power to influence how a business operates. The customer experience you provide plays an important role in the future success of your company, regardless of whether you offer superior goods. Ultimately, every business exists to serve its customers. As a result, customer experience has inevitably become a major focus for companies. 

      Customers expect customer support to be available around the clock, and traditional solutions can be costly in terms of labor and training. However, if you need professional assistance at a low cost, a high-quality BPO is always available. By prioritizing your CX, your brand’s reputation will be solidified as exceptional, giving you a competitive advantage over other brands in your niche.

      FrontLogix is a boutique CX BPO that offers personalized customer care solutions that are particularly suited to the demands of the client, resulting in great results at a lower cost.

      Seeking CX excellence? Get In Touch

      A frustrated man on hold

      The Future of CX: Seamless Shift from Self-Service to Human Customer Support

      Recent research shows an undeniable shift towards self-service in customer interactions. 

      The trend isn’t surprising. Digital natives — being accustomed to instant solutions — find it convenient to solve problems without waiting on a human agent. With effective self-service, they can quickly access solutions and enjoy an effortless service experience.

      However, if self-service falls short or there’s a clunky transition to assisted channels, the customer experience suffers. Given that 88% of customer journeys begin with self-service and often involve multiple touchpoints, it’s essential to ensure fluidity between these channels.

      Why Self-Service is Gaining Popularity

      Let’s unpack why self-service has gained such traction.

      95% of companies have reported a dramatic increase in consumers requesting self-service options.
      77% of consumers prefer brands that offer self-service solutions.
      81% of customers express a desire for even more self-service options. 

      The reasons are twofold. It benefits both customers and businesses:

      How does self-service affect customer satisfaction?How does self-service affect businesses?

      Convenience: Can access services on their schedule.

      Empowerment: Gives more control over the experience.

      24/7 Availability: Often available around the clock.

      Consumer Expectations: Modern customers often expect self-service options.

      Operational Efficiency: Reduces costs and speeds up service.

      Scalability: Handles increased customer volume without adding staff.

      Data Collection: Helps understand customer behavior.

      Resource Allocation: Frees up employees for more complex tasks.
      Woman multitasking in bed with a laptop and a mobile phone in her hands

      Self-Service Hurdles

      Yet, as with all innovations, there are challenges that come with self-service.

      According to a Forrester study, businesses waste nearly $22 million annually on unnecessary CX costs because customers struggle to self-serve.

      A Gartner research indicating that 62% of customer service channel transitions are “high-effort” is a harsh reminder of these challenges.

      Such statistics pose an interesting paradox: while companies are harnessing the power of self-service to reduce costs and improve CX, the transition from this service to human-assisted channels might be causing more harm than good.

      The pursuit of speed, cost-effectiveness, and minimal human involvement has overshadowed a more thoughtful approach that puts people and customers at the center.

      The push to digitally transform business processes has often been driven by a narrow focus on hard data, which can sometimes overlook the very people that technology was meant to benefit.

      Improving Self-Service Channel Transitions: Key Strategies

      Building on insights from Gartner’s research, here are key strategies to ensure that the power of self-service and the necessity of human-assisted channels integrate seamlessly:

      • Limiting over-automation: Self-service should be an option but not the only option. While automation can enhance efficiency, it should complement, not replace, the human touch.
      • More guidance, not more choices: Offer clear guidance for customers during channel transitions. Rather than overwhelming them with choices, guide them through the process, ensuring they know support is readily available if needed.
      • Improve the IVR system: Many businesses have integrated a multitude of options into their IVR menus, thinking that offering more choices would cater to a broader range of customer needs. What that actually results in are complex menus that are difficult to navigate and take ages until the desired option is reached. 
      • Transfer self-service questions to reps: Often, when customers change channels, the details they’ve shared or self-service steps they’ve taken often get lost, forcing them to provide the information again.

        Not only does this affects customer satisfaction, but also, by avoiding the need for customers to repeat information, seamless transitions can save up to 4 minutes of valuable rep time per customer journey, according to Eric Keller, Senior Director in Gartner’s Customer Service Research Practice. 

      6 simple yet powerful strategies to improve customer retention

      Can you remember the last time you re-engaged with your customers and tried to win them back?

      These strategies will do exactly that and more.

      At FrontLogix, we strive to create a superior customer experience by fusing technology and human support. Our ultimate goal is to maintain brand loyalty among your customers by striking a balance between automation and the human touch.

      A woman superimposed with code photo.

      Artificial Intelligence in E-commerce CX: Key Considerations for Retail Decision-Makers

      In the post-COVID realm of e-commerce retail, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has certainly made its mark. Gone are the days when AI was limited to mere automation and rigid prediction models. Today, AI is more of a virtual shopping assistant that can recognize, and predict one’s shopping desires.

      With consumers’ increasing demand for personalized experiences, the numbers are telling. Studies show that a great majority of customers, approximately 80%, are more inclined to buy from businesses that provide personalized experiences.

      But, is AI all good?

      Although it is true that AI enables personalized experiences, it also raises valid concerns about data privacy, cybersecurity threats, and algorithmic bias. On top of all – implementing a top-tier AI engine is quite pricey.

      Artificial Intelligence in E-commerce CX: the positives

      AI Personalization Engine: Enhancing Customer Engagement

      These AI engines analyze historical browsing and purchasing data and then use these insights to perform functions that may seem almost intuitive. They suggest you similar items according to your search history, previous shopping items, and a pair of jeans that would go well with that t-shirt you just bought.

      A girl with a lap top in front of her, looking at her phone, in an open cafe.

      By suggesting products that match users’ interests, and providing personalized offers and discounts, the shopping experience process has become much faster, more efficient – and more enjoyable. But, AI engines also serve as skilled upsellers, increasing the chances of purchasing additional items. 

      It’s clear that AI is not only about automating the shopping process; it’s about creating an experience that’s tailored to each shopper. People are 40% more likely to spend more than planned when they identify the shopping experience to be highly personalized, according to ThinkWith Google consumer insights. 

      A warehouse

      AI for Inventory Management

      AI has also done wonders for the retail industry by improving stock management and streamlining supply chains. 

      It can accurately predict demand and make sure that there is the right amount of inventory available. By keeping track of inventory levels and avoiding overstocking, businesses minimize waste and become more agile in the marketplace.

      Also, using AI to automate restocking can free up employees’ time to concentrate on other tasks.

      Fraud Detection and Security Measures

      This is where AI technologies, such as machine learning (ML) algorithms can help. Fraud management systems powered by AI can flag abnormal patterns, and identify potential fraudsters, including payment fraud, identity theft, and phishing attempts. These AI solutions can also integrate with other security measures, such as identity checks and biometric authentication. The same study reveals that organizations that extensively utilize security AI and automation experience an average savings of USD 1.76 million in comparison to those that do not.

      What’s more – AI systems are never stagnant – they evolve and improve by picking up on the latest fraud trends.

      Artificial Intelligence for Personalized E-commerce Experiences: the negatives

      AI has definitely proved to be a game-changer in the world of e-commerce. However, there are potential downsides that come with it.

      Concerns about the Collection of Personalized Data

      In order to recommend you those jeans that match your recently purchased t-shirt, AI needs to be fed a lot of data such as purchase history, browsing behavior, and personal preferences.

      And while this data helps create personalized experiences, it can also lead to concerns about:

        • Consent: Did users explicitly agree to have their data collected and used in this manner?
        • Transparency: Do users understand what data is being collected and how it’s being used?
        • Control: Can users access, correct, or delete their data?

        2. Cybersecurity Risks

        To personalize shoppers’ experience, AI systems must collect personal information and then, store and process it. As technology advances, we’re seeing more complicated AI systems being developed, but even so, these systems are not immune to cyberattacks. If an AI system is hacked, it could lead to the theft of sensitive information, cyberattacks on other systems, or even the disruption of critical infrastructure. 

        3. High Implementation Costs

        And, last but not least, here is the good ol’ cost. The development, integration, and maintenance of AI systems can be quite expensive. Small and medium-sized enterprises may find it challenging to leverage AI due to these financial barriers.

        6 simple yet powerful strategies to improve customer retention

        Can you remember the last time you re-engaged with your customers and tried to win them back?

        These strategies will do exactly that and more.

        Future Prospects of AI in E-commerce

        When we look to the future, it’s clear that AI will play a significant role in the e-commerce industry. The possibilities are endless, and we can expect continuous advancements that will improve efficiency, personalization, and customer satisfaction. As we move forward, we may see even more advanced recommendation engines, personalized virtual shopping assistants, and integration with IoT devices. 

        By embracing these innovations, retail decision-makers align with the evolving demands and expectations of modern consumers, setting the stage for personalized, efficient, and secure online shopping experiences that could define the future of retail.

        FrontLogix stands at the forefront of revolutionizing Customer Experience (CX), expertly blending cutting-edge technology with personalized human support. Reach out to explore how we can redefine your CX journey.

        Woman with shopping bags

        Enhancing Customer Experience in the Age of E-commerce: Strategies for Retail Customer Success Leaders

        With the e-commerce trend being on an upward trajectory, this industry’s revenue is predicted to soar from $940.09 billion in 2022 to $1.449.52 trillion in 2027 in the U.S. only.

        As e-commerce becomes the preferred shopping destination for consumers, it begs the question: what impact does CX have on e-commerce businesses, and what strategies can be employed to improve it?

        Talking numbers: The impact of CX on e-commerce businesses

        Paper with statistics
        • Brands that prioritize customer experience (CX) report profits that are 60% higher than those that don’t. (CX Index)
        • 49% of customers who were once loyal to a brand have stopped using it in the past year because of a negative customer experience. (Emplifi)
        • Customers who have had a positive experience spend 140% more than those who had a negative one. (Harvard Business Review)

          Now that we’ve covered the reasons why CX is important for e-commerce business, here are some strategies that retail customer success leaders can use to enhance the customer experience in the age of e-commerce:


          According to a study by Forrester, 77% of consumers have preferred, suggested, or paid extra for a brand that offers a customized service or experience.

          However, many companies frequently use the term “personalization” without clearly understanding its true meaning and how to implement it effectively.

          In reality, personalized interactions occur at various stages of the customer journey, including before, during, and after a purchase.

          As customers progress through the customer lifecycle, the depth of personalization should also evolve. Initially, businesses may start with basic segmentation, grouping customers based on certain characteristics or behaviors.

          But as the relationship deepens, individualization should increase, offering more tailored and unique experiences based on each customer’s preferences, past interactions, and purchase history

          Provide excellent customer service

          No matter how good the product or service is, if the customer service is poor, it will leave a negative impression. 

          To ensure excellent customer service, invest in two things: technology and people.

          A woman talking on the phone

            Investing in technology: WFM solutions and AI

            Why invest in a WFM solution:Why invest in AI:
            Efficient staffing
            Improved scheduling
            Real-rime monitoring and adjustments
            Employee empowerment
            Improved customer service
            Cost management
            Increased compliance
            Forecasting accuracy
            Performance tracking
            Reduced attrition
            Improved customer satisfaction
            Increased agent productivity
            Better decision-Making
            Improved workforce planning
            AI-powered chatbots can reduce customer service costs by up to 30%. (Gartner)

            AI-powered fraud detection tools can reduce fraud losses by up to 90%. (IBM)

            AI-powered inventory optimization tools can reduce inventory costs by up to 20%. ( McKinsey)

            AI-powered contact centers can improve customer satisfaction by up to 20% (Forrester)

            Investing in people: WFM experts and agent training

            Why invest in WFM experts:Why invest in agent training:
            Technical Expertise
            Best Practices Implementation
            Proper set-up for data Accuracy
            Speed and efficiency save time and money
            Setup to match the organization’s specific needs
            Provide in-depth training for staff
            Continuous support
            Proper system Integration
            ROI Maximization
            Improved Customer Satisfaction
            Increased Productivity
            Reduced Error Rates
            Enhanced Communication Skills
            Better Problem-Solving Capabilities
            Increased Employee Engagement
            Lower Turnover Rates
            Standardization of Service
            Brand Representation
            Increased Sales
            Adaptation to New Technologies or Procedures
            Risk Management

            Remember that for building true customer loyalty and relationships, human communication is a must.

            • 82% of customers say that they prefer to interact with a human customer service representative when they have a problem. (Source: Salesforce)

            Make it easy to shop

            How to make it easy to shop:

            It might sound as if it goes without saying, yet too many businesses do not provide basic capabilities like easy website navigation, relevant search results, or clear product information. Almost 80% of online customers abandon their purchases because of these reasons, jumping to competitors who better meet their needs.

            A hand holding a credit card
            • Have clear and easy-to-use website navigation.
            • Consider implementing intelligent search that uses artificial intelligence to understand the user’s intent and provide more relevant results.
            • Use high-quality photos and videos of your products. This will help customers get a better idea of what they are buying.
            • Provide clear and accurate product information. Customers should know exactly what they are buying before they make a purchase.
            • Use augmented reality to help customers visualize products – such as sunglasses try-on tools or what Ikea did with their app that allows people to place furniture in their homes virtually.
            • Offer a variety of product filters and search options
            • Allow customers to save products to their wishlists. 
            • Offer a “live chat” feature so customers can get help from a representative if they have any questions.
            • Offer a variety of payment options. Customers should be able to pay for their purchases in a way that is convenient for them.
            • Have a secure checkout process. Customers should feel confident that their personal and financial information is safe.
            • Offer free shipping or shipping discounts. This can make it more affordable for customers to shop online.
            • Have a clear and concise return policy. Customers should know what their options are if they are not satisfied with their purchase.
            • Make sure your website is mobile-friendly.

            Listen to customer feedback

            Gather valuable insights through surveys, emails, and social media to shape your e-commerce business.

            For instance, use interactive feedback forms at checkout, inviting customers to rate their experience and share suggestions. Act on the feedback promptly to demonstrate dedication to customer satisfaction.

            Example: If customers complain about long delivery times for electronic gadgets, analyze the data, collaborate with logistics partners, and offer real-time order tracking. Transparently communicate delays and provide solutions like expedited shipping or discount vouchers.

            Create a customer service feedback loop to measure satisfaction after interactions. Invest in representative training for handling various queries empathetically.

            Use sentiment analysis tools to prioritize and address negative feedback swiftly, preventing minor concerns from escalating.

            6 simple yet powerful strategies to improve customer retention

            Can you remember the last time you re-engaged with your customers and tried to win them back?

            These strategies will do exactly that and more.

             FrontLogix is a customer experience (CX) BPO built around WFM principles, for data-driven solutions truly optimized to your needs. Get a quote or contact us today to discuss how we can help you.

            Customer support agent at work

            Scaling Customer Service in SaaS: Strategies for Customer Service Excellence

            As Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions become increasingly popular, so does the competition among its providers. And as it is much cheaper to retain existing customers than to acquire new ones, ensuring scalable and efficient customer service becomes crucial for business success.

            However, meeting the growing demand while maintaining high customer satisfaction levels can be challenging. As your user base grows and your SaaS solution matures, you’ll likely receive more requests for new features, or witness changes in customer behavior.
            While new functionalities aim to improve the user experience, they can also lead to confusion or uncertainty among your users. Consequently, they may have more questions or seek clarification to fully understand the updated features and their implications.

            Addressing these challenges requires a proactive approach to customer service. Your team should be prepared to handle the increased volume of feature requests, ensuring that these suggestions are carefully evaluated and considered for future development.

            This article will discuss strategies to effectively manage scalability challenges in SaaS solutions when it comes to customer service excellence.

            Strategies for scaling Customer Service in SaaS

            1. Introduce a Customer Success Manager

            SaaS brands must balance providing functional software and exceptional service to satisfy their customers. According to Vendr, the average medium-sized company spends $2.81 million annually or $9.762 per employee on SaaS. Despite this sizeable investment, many companies need help implementing and measuring their acquired tools’ ROI effectively.

            When users do not fully adopt a product or experience UX issues, they become frustrated and will likely cancel their subscription. This, in turn, leads to customer churn and lost revenue for SaaS companies, which must invest money in customer acquisition to replace that lost revenue.

            Introducing a Customer Success Manager whose main focus is to build strong relationships with customers, ensure their success, and drive customer retention, is an effective way for companies to reduce churn, increase customer satisfaction and retention, and ultimately boost revenue.

            2. Understand and anticipate demand

            To successfully manage scalability challenges, it is vital to understand and anticipate customer demand. By analyzing historical usage patterns and conducting market research, businesses can estimate future growth and plan accordingly. This includes forecasting peak usage periods, identifying potential bottlenecks, and ensuring adequate resources to handle increased demand.

            A workforce management (WFM) tool combined with WFM experts that can be set up correctly and interpret essential metrics can be incredibly helpful in understanding and anticipating customer demand. 

            These tools can provide real-time data on staffing levels, call volume, and other critical metrics, allowing businesses to adjust their resources accordingly. With the help of experts who can interpret and analyze this data, your business can make informed decisions about staffing levels, scheduling, and other essential factors that impact scalability.

            A contact center agent with a headset

            3. Automate Processes and Support

            Implementing automation in customer service processes can significantly improve scalability. Businesses can handle more customer queries with the same efficiency level by automating routine tasks, such as ticket routing, response acknowledgments, and frequently asked questions. This saves time, reduces manual errors, and allows customer service teams to focus on more complex issues.

            4. Invest in a robust Knowledge Base and Self-Service options

            Offering self-service options can empower customers and reduce the burden on your customer support teams. By providing a comprehensive knowledge base, interactive tutorials, and easily accessible support resources, customers can find answers to their questions quickly and easily.

            5. Leverage AI and Machine Learning

            6. Don’t forget the importance of Human Customer Service

            7. Provide excellent training for your Customer Support Team

            Your customer support team is the face of your company, so it’s crucial to provide them with excellent training. Overall, training enhances customer satisfaction, improves interactions, and maintains a positive brand image through:

            • providing product and service knowledge
            • equipping representatives with conflict resolution skills
            • ensuring representatives understand the brand and company
            • improving efficiency and productivity
            • helping representatives adapt to changing needs
            • fostering continuous improvement

            8. Regularly monitor KPIs

            For optimum scalability, it’s important to consistently keep an eye on real-time analytics and performance metrics, like system efficiency and support ticket resolution metrics.

            It’s also essential to track important customer success metrics, including:

            1. Customer Retention Rate: Percentage of retained customers over a period. 
            2. Customer Churn Rate: Percentage of lost customers in a timeframe. 
            3. Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT): Quick Customer Satisfaction survey using a rating scale. 
            4. Product Adoption: Usage frequency and milestone achievements.
            5. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Estimated total revenue from a customer’s lifecycle.
            6. Net Revenue Retention (NRR): Percentage of revenue retained considering cancellations, upgrades, and downgrades.

            6 simple yet powerful strategies to improve customer retention

            Can you remember the last time you re-engaged with your customers and tried to win them back?

            These strategies will do exactly that and more.


            Managing scalability challenges in SaaS solutions is crucial for achieving customer service excellence. Introducing a Customer Success Manager, understanding and anticipating customer demand, automating processes and support, investing in a robust knowledge base and self-service options, leveraging AI and machine learning, valuing human customer service, providing excellent training for the customer support team, and regularly monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) are all essential steps in achieving scalability and delivering exceptional customer service in the SaaS industry. By prioritizing these strategies, businesses can position themselves for success in the highly competitive SaaS market while retaining and satisfying their valuable customer base.

            FrontLogix is a next-gen Customer Experience (CX) BPO that skillfully merges technology with human assistance. Our use of automated experiences reflects our commitment to staying ahead of the curve while never losing sight of the importance of human interaction. We believe that this balance is key to fostering authenticity and brand loyalty among our customers. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you ace your Customer Support.

            Customer Support Agents at work

            The growing significance of excellent Customer Experienc in the Automotive Aftermarket

            These days, Customer Experience (CX) is a hot topic in many industries.

            With digital technology giving customers more access to information and more control over their purchasing decisions, it’s no surprise that online commerce experiences are becoming more common.

            While we often think of online shopping in terms of retail, it’s worth exploring why CX and customer service are becoming increasingly important in the Automotive aftermarket. There are two primary reasons for this.

            Reason No 1: The average age of vehicles is increasing

            Chart with average age by vehicle type in years

            Reason No 2: A new generation of customers is emerging – millennials

             By 2025, almost 45% of car buyers will be millennials. 

            • hassle-free online shopping experiences
            • vast selection of products
            • easy navigation and search functions
            • multiple payment options
            • free, fast shipping
            • personalization through customized recommendations and tailored promotions
            • omnichannel customer support around the clock

            The unique customer service challenges in the automotive aftermarket e-commerce

            The automotive aftermarket involves many players and processes, such as OEMs, parts distributors, workshops, fleet operators, and end customers. Each of these players has different needs and expectations, and transactions are often complicated by factors such as vehicle compatibility, warranty, quality, and availability.

            To provide a seamless and satisfying CX, the automotive aftermarket e-commerce sector needs to simplify processes, automate manual and repetitive tasks, and safeguard the supply chain for enhanced customer service and revenues, especially in times of disruption or uncertainty.

            Key strategies to enhance the customer experience in the automotive aftermarket e-commerce

            So, what are some key strategies to enhance CX in the Automotive aftermarket industry?

            • Partner with a CX Expert
              Seek a customer experience partner who possesses in-depth knowledge not only of CX strategies but also of the specific dynamics of the automotive and transportation industry. This expertise should encompass areas such as identifying parts, part sourcing, order processing, fraud detection, and more. A specialized partner can provide tailored solutions and help optimize your business processes. 
            • Embrace CX Trends
              Find a BPO who stays updated with the latest developments in the CX sphere. Look for a partner capable of developing comprehensive strategies rather than just offering solutions. Leveraging customer data effectively, these strategies can enhance CX while simultaneously reducing costs.
            • Strategic Expansion of Existing Support Teams
              Consider augmenting your existing support teams by integrating professionals who act as powerful extensions of your current workforce. These individuals should be trained to match the standards of your existing representatives and demonstrate expert knowledge of your systems and workflows. By integrating seamlessly, they can contribute to improving operations without necessitating major changes to your business structure.

            In conclusion

            As the automotive aftermarket e-commerce industry continues to grow and adapt, effective CX strategies become imperative in fostering loyalty and delivering a superior customer experience.

            By partnering with CX experts, staying attuned to industry trends, and expanding existing support teams strategically, businesses can optimize their customer support processes and ensure long-term success.

            With the rapid rise of e-commerce, which allows for the modification of business models and the adoption of new ways of communicating with customers, automotive suppliers and distributors are under pressure to transition quickly.

            6 simple yet powerful strategies to improve customer retention

            Can you remember the last time you re-engaged with your customers and tried to win them back?

            These strategies will do exactly that and more.

            Woman smiling

            Next Generation CX: Top trends and strategies

            It is no longer debatable whether a company should provide next generation CX. The new and vastly improved customer experience has become the new norm and something that customers expect. Getting there is your challenge. Here are eight emerging trends and strategies that will shape your Next-Gen CX:

            1. Omnichannel experience

            Today’s customers expect effortless engagements and frequently choose web or mobile self-service as their initial point of contact with companies. As they navigate across touchpoints, customers expect continuity. In other words, they seek seamless and accurate support whenever they need it, on the channel of their choice, and without compromising on quality.

            2. Ai-powered chatbots

            CX leaders are putting more focus on self-service and live agent deflection. They are expanding their knowledge bases with more multimedia content, combining them with AI-powered chatbots to assist customers in reaching a successful resolution. And while chatbots can resolve a customer request in 2 seconds, around 78% of the time, skilled customer success agents emphasize the human approach.

            As a result, increasing automated self-service tools are at the top of customer service leaders’ priority lists. In fact, customers prefer automated interactions for simple tasks but talking to real people for more sophisticated and complex issues.

            [Read Next] Next-Generation CX & Omnichannel Support

            3. Upskilled personal support

            Increased digitalization means increased digital saturation. Even as digital channels and self-service options become more popular, customers still expect agents to be ready to step in if their self-help options fail.

            Well-trained customer service representatives use emotional intelligence combined with diverse communication skills to develop stronger client relationships. Customers value intimate relations with a business and want to be seen as individuals.

            In fact, according to customers, access to a live agent is still in the top three requirements when it comes to a positive digital experience.

            4. Personalized experiences

            The significant surge in online interactions during the pandemic has raised expectations, exposing consumers to the personalization practices of online pioneers and raising the bar for everyone else.

            As a result, 71 percent of consumers expect companies to provide personalized interactions, and 76 percent get frustrated when this does not happen, according to research.

            Furthermore, highly personalized customer experiences are difficult to replicate. Such experiences allow businesses to differentiate themselves and gain a sustainable competitive advantage when executed well.

            Personalized end-to-end customer journeys

            Since there’s no one-size-fits-all approach for satisfying an entire customer base, a personalized end-to-end customer journey will provide a uniquely positive experience. Personalized touchpoints include:

            ·        Live chats and user-friendly contact forms on websites
            ·        Building custom audiences and directing ads to the right people
            ·        Tailored promotions that feel personal
            ·        Relevant service or product recommendations based on purchasing and browsing history
            ·        Notifying customers when a product they’ve been browsing goes on sale
            ·        Up-to-date in-stock information for stores near the customer
            ·        Post-purchase check-in

            5. Reinventing Customer Loyalty

            Personalized loyalty programs go hand in hand with customized experiences. They give an incentive for customers to share personal information because they know it will be used to benefit them.

            According to the Generation Pay report by FIS, different generations prefer different rewards delivered via different channels. Loyalty programs are an excellent way to personalize the customer journey and increase customer satisfaction and retention by utilizing relevant data.

            Even if your customers aren’t providing you with detailed information, tracking order history, current service subscriptions, and your customers’ locations can help you deliver relevant content and offers.

            Man with a VR headset on, smiling

            6. Adopting Extended Reality (XR)

            Extended Reality (XR) is an umbrella term for Mixed Reality (MR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Virtual Reality (VR). What social platforms discovered a while ago – that people love fun augmented reality filters – brands are now seeing as new opportunities to create engaging customer experiences. Microsoft’s HoloLens and IKEA’s Place are just two examples of 3D avatars that allow you to “try before you buy.”

            XR provides limitless opportunities for creating novel customer experiences. Because it is still in its early stages, businesses that embrace it will have an advantage over their competitors. Consumers appear to be ready for immersive virtual reality experiences, owing to the fact that XR shows rather than tells.

            7. Focusing on First-Party Data

            With the rapid movement towards digitalization, significant risks are emerging. Data breaches and the ambiguous third-party data marketplace have made consumers wary about who is collecting their information and how it will be used. As a result, browsers and government regulators have taken a firmer stance on data privacy, as evidenced by initiatives such as the GDPR and the phaseout of third-party cookies.

            To adapt to this privacy-first landscape, businesses need to focus on data collected directly by the company. This first-party data also promotes a more open relationship with the customers. According to a survey by Twilio Segment, 69% of consumers say they value personalization as long as it is based on information they have directly shared with a business.

            8. Implementing Chief Customer Officers

            As the value of the customer comes to the forefront for businesses, the C-suite welcomes a new member. Please give a warm welcome to the Chief Customer Officer. According to Gartner’s Customer Experience Management Study, more than 90% of enterprises now have a CCO.

            Previously, multiple executives shared responsibility for fostering a customer-centric culture and expanding revenue opportunities with existing customers. The CCO now wholly owns these domains,  in charge of everything customer-related. A CCO’s key focus is to prepare, educate, and streamline organizations toward the best customer-centric practices.

            6 simple yet powerful strategies to improve customer retention

            Can you remember the last time you re-engaged with your customers and tried to win them back?

            These strategies will do exactly that and more.


            The only constant about trends is that they are constantly changing.

            Nonetheless, AI-powered chatbots, Omnichannel, Hybrid Customer Experience Model, Personalization, Extended Reality, and First-Party Data continue to be CX buzzwords on trend lists year after year. Keeping up with rising customer expectations starts with implementing a Chief Customer Officer and reinventing Customer Loyalty.

            These are just some of the trends and strategies we see driving the Next-Gen CX in the following years. FrontLogix is committed to being a thought leader in this space and delivering relevant, personalized solutions for our clients. Contact us today!

            High Five - Call Center Quality Management Successful Strategy - FrontLogix

            Employee Experience as the New Customer Experience

            Here we explain how Employee Experience (EX) drives Customer Experience and list best practices for ensuring an excellent EX.

            In the wake of the Big Quit, we are witnessing a significant shift in power when recruiting and retaining staff, with employees taking stock of their career goals and deciding to switch jobs.

            This trend has put a significant dent in customer experience. Longer wait times and less personalized service have led to a less-than-stellar CX, resulting in customer drop-offs.

            And what just a few years ago was low on the priority list, C-suites are now placing EX at the same importance level as CX.

            What is Employee Experience (EX)?

            Employee Experience is an employee’s overall perception of their employer based on their interactions with the company throughout the 5 Employee Lifecycle Stages: recruitment, onboarding, development, retention, and exit.

            EX includes everything from the work environment to the benefits offered and the level of support and training management provides.

            The connection between Customer Experience and Employee Experience

            Employee Experience impacts the Customer Experience in three ways:

            A man yelling over the phone

            Employees manifest their (dis)satisfaction in the work and interactions with customers

            We are all human, after all. When feeling stressed out, it is reflected in our actions and words. Unhappy employees will manifest their disengagement in their work and interactions with customers.

            Let’s face it ‒ there are bound to be some disgruntled customers. It’s the employee’s job to stay positive and professional, even with demanding or impatient customers. 

            When stressed out, overworked, or feeling undervalued, even a single misused word could be the last drop in a cup full of negative emotions. This mood will then get transferred onto the next customers, eventually souring the Customer Experience with the brand altogether with the Employee Experience.

            On the other hand, happy employees are more likely to go above and beyond to help a customer. When feeling valued by the managers and satisfied with their job, a negative experience won’t dampen their spirits. Just like a little hiccup in an otherwise smooth ride, employees will continue to be engaged, motivated, and committed to their work.

            Happy employees that stay with you longer are more knowledgeable than newbies

            A company is only as strong as its team, and a team is only as loyal as its employer. When you give great EX to your employees, they will stay with the company longer. You’ll have a team that’s experienced and knowledgeable, who knows your products and services inside out, can finish tasks quicker, and has a deep understanding of the company’s operations. Their efficiency and expertise will naturally translate to the standard of CX that your customers experience.

            Satisfied employees spread positive word of mouth

            Customers want to do business with brands that take a public stand on social values and positive employee experience.

            Your employees could be your biggest brand ambassadors ‒ or your biggest enemy. A disgruntled (ex) employee damaging your good reputation on social media can do severe damage. Be sure to take care of your people, and they’ll take care of your brand.

            Some quick stats:

            70% of consumers think businesses should address social and political issues publicly; 

            77% of consumers believe employees have a responsibility to speak up when their company makes decisions that go against the stated values;

            Employee Experience Best Practices

            Opportunities for growth foster a sense of loyalty

            Three girls laughing while working in a coworking place

            Investing in employee training and development is a win-win situation for both employees and the company. Companies can stay competitive by having a highly skilled staff knowledgeable about recent trends and technologies.

            On the other hand, learning new skills and having a clear career path heavily influence employee job satisfaction. The 2018 Workplace Learning Report by LinkedIn revealed that 94% of employees would stay with a company longer if the company made efforts to enhance their professional growth.

            Flexibility for productivity

            Employers who embrace flexibility are more likely to retain top talent, attract employees from a wider variety of backgrounds, create a positive and supportive work environment ‒ and ultimately achieve greater success.

            Research has consistently shown that employees who feel valued and appreciated are more likely to be engaged and committed to their organization. Embracing flexibility means recognizing that different employees respond differently to various incentives and perks.

            For example, some employees may prefer flexible working hours or remote work, while others might favor taking vacation leave in smaller chunks instead of a full two weeks.

            In addition to improving employee retention and productivity, flexibility can contribute to a more diverse and inclusive workplace. Employers can attract and retain workers from a wider variety of backgrounds and experiences by providing a range of options for working arrangements.

            positive employee experience

            Micromanagement is the bane

            Micromanagement is the bane of productivity in any workplace. Not only does it create a toxic work environment, but it can also drive away your most talented employees. When employees feel that they are not trusted or respected, it can lead to tension and conflict in the workplace. This can create a toxic environment where employees are unhappy to come to work and may result in high turnover rates.

            Instead, practice a management style focused on results rather than the process.

            Employee experience suffers from outdated applications

            The trend toward consumerization of IT ‒ where employees expect their work technology to be as good as their personal one ‒ has only accelerated over the past year. Employee Experience suffers from clunky, old software. It slows everything down and makes employees waste time on repetitive, low-value tasks instead of focusing on what matters. Younger employees, in particular, want to work for companies with modern systems to support an engaged and energized workforce. 

            With so many people working from home, employees rely more on technology to help them do their jobs. And if that technology is inefficient, remote work can become challenging.

            The Conclusion

            As we emerge from the Great Resignation and navigate a new era of work, one thing is clear: Customer Experience is only as good as the Employee Experience.

            From offering flexible schedules to investing in cutting-edge technology, there are countless ways that businesses can prioritize EX and reap the rewards of a happier, more productive workforce.

            By investing in EX, companies can attract and retain top talent, inspire their employees, and create a positive work environment that translates into an exceptional customer experience.

            6 simple yet powerful strategies to improve customer retention

            Can you remember the last time you re-engaged with your customers and tried to win them back?

            These strategies will do exactly that and more.